Facilitating Your Child’s Success: A workshop for parents, Monday February 23rd

The Student Support Team at ISB invites you to join us for a cross-divisional parent workshop. We will explore the role of parents in achieving ISB’s Vision of preparing our students for success in the world community.  This workshop is based upon longitudinal research, conducted by the Frostig Center in California, into life success for students with disabilities.  However, the findings of this research offer practical applications for ALL students.

The parent workshop will address:
-What is success?
-What does success look like at ISB?
-Participants will be invited to contribute to a video about success at ISB.

The workshop and optional video interview will take place on:

Monday February 23rd 8:00-9:30AM Elementary MPR

If you are interested in attending or have questions please contact: tamarar@isb.ac.th or megf@isb.ac.th

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