Scholastic Art Awards 

By Mrs. Beard

MS Art Teacher


I am delighted to announce that seven of our Grade 8 2D Artists received awards for the Region At Large 2015 Scholastic Art Awards for their mixed media Artworks!  Awards are given in three categories, Gold key, Silver key and Art Honorable Mention, all awards are a wonderful achievement.

I have outlined the list of ISB winners below and the complete list of International School winners can be found here:

Do pass on congratulations when you see this year’s entrants. Award winners will receive a certificate and pin.  Gold Key winners may be eligible for a scholarship for the Alliance Summer Arts Program.

All the works of art can be viewed in the upcoming Middle School Art Exhibition from 16th-26th February in the Main Library.

Name Award Media Title School
Lily Bates Art Honorable Mention Mixed Media The Human Equality


International School


Marcelina Lekawska Art Honorable Mention Mixed Media The Face Tells The Story International School Bangkok


Steven Papps Art Silver Key Mixed Media Dirty World International School


Sine Polcharoen Art Honorable Mention Mixed Media Avid International School


Martin Helmer Rusten Art Gold Key Mixed Media Cyber Crime International School


Proud Taranat Art Honorable Mention Mixed Media Beauty is a Social


International School


Shion Yamada Art Silver Key Mixed Media Environment in Bangkok International School


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