Global Citizenship Week review

Peter Roback

After all the planning, booking, and anticipation, GCW finally arrived and our students have been engaged in wonderful learning around the globe.  In addition to 11 local courses in Bangkok – ranging from service, to exploration, to career internships – students traveled to 13 locations throughout Thailand and an additional 13 countries around the world.  Amazing experiences for all, focused on global issues and service learning.

Students have started to arrive home with the majority of groups returning this weekend.  They return with memories and new perspectives.  We like to think that we bring our students back from GCW changed, but unharmed.  We hope that every student shares the incredible experiences they have had while also taking time to process the hardships and risks taken along the journey.  We encourage all of you to ask each student to reflect on their learning from the week as these conversations are critical in making connections and applying learning to new situations and perspectives.

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