Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Course Registration is open through February 13th

by Charlotte Hallengren

ISB is developing its Mindfulness program not only for our students but for our community as well. MBSR is an 8-week course designed to teach people how to better take care of themselves and participate fully in improving the health and quality of their lives as they work with various types of “stressors” or suffering that is limiting the life they would like to lead.  Forty teachers from ISB have recently completed this course as part of their teaching preparation.  ISB PTA is happy to announce that the 8-week MBSR is available for our parent community beginning next week!  Sign up through Friday, February 13 at https://inside.isb.ac.th/parentportal/parent-workshops/  For questions  regarding this program, please contact Charlotte Hallengren via email at  c.hallengren@gmail.com

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