(Repeat) Learn to Swim Program

The Learn to Swim program will offer 2 sessions in the upcoming semester.

Session 3 – Feb 16th to March 26th

Session 4 – April 20th to May 28th

Classes will take place at the following times:

Mon & Wed 2:20-3:00

Tues & Thurs 2:20-3:00

PRE K ONLY  Tues & Thurs 1:45-2:15

PRE K ONLY Mon & Wed 1:45-2:15

Cost is 5000 baht for a 6 week (12 class) session (K-5)

Cost is 4500 baht for a 6 week (12 class) session (pre K)

Please go to this link to sign up.  As spaces are limited you will be informed by email if you have secured a place.

For more information contact Corry Day (corryd@isb.ac.th)

About Tina

ES secretary
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