ES e-News for January 16, 2015

Welcome Back

We were delighted to welcome children back to school for the start of another great semester of learning.   A special ‘hello’ to our 20 new students and their families.  We trust your first week at ISB has been filled with many enjoyable ‘firsts’!  We are looking forward to this very productive phase of learning and teaching in the weeks leading up to the Songkran holiday in April.  Opportunities for improvement and progress abound!

ES Make-up Photos – Wednesday, Jan. 21, 2015

New students who came to school on or after September 15, 2014 will have their pictures taken on Wednesday, January 21, 2015 from 7:30-2:00 pm in the ES MPR. Please check your child’s schedule if it is PE day for her/him.  S/He will need an extra ISB uniform shirt for this photo session.

A retake session will also be available for other students from 2:05-3:00 pm in the ES MPR. This is completely optional and requires signing up now.  Students will not be allowed to miss class time to retake their photo. You must supervise your child during the photo time after school.

If you would like to take advantage of this option, please e-mail Khun Tina ( by Monday, January 19, 2015.

(Repeat) Dan Feigelson Visits ISB

The ES is abuzz for an exciting visitor coming during the week of January 19th – 23rd.  Writing consultant, Dan Feigelson, will be working in classrooms with teachers exploring teaching writing conventions through an inquiry model.  Dan is the author of Practical Punctuation and Reading Projects Re-Imagined.  He will be working with grades 1 through 5.  He will also be offering a parent workshop that week.  Please see details below:

What:  Parent Workshop
When: Thursday, January 22nd from 7:30 – 9:00 a.m.
Where:  ESMPR

Please mark your calendars.  These are opportunities you won’t want to miss!

Breakfast day surprises!

ES students embraced the new Breakfast Day menu in the cafeteria on Wednesday.  They loved the yoghurt and fruit salad available at the salad bar and tried new offerings like omelette, roasted tomatoes, and corn and of course, enjoyed more familiar items such as corn flakes, scrambled eggs and vegetable fried rice.  We are thrilled that Breakfast Day is back!

Panther Spirit – Wear your black and gold on January 30

To support our biggest panthers for what promises to be an action packed Friday evening and weekend of sports at ISB as we host a range of schools from around the region, ES students may choose to wear black and gold ISB clothing instead of their regular ISB uniform. Please ensure that dress follows our usual guidelines found in the Parent/Student Handbook.

ES After School Activities Update

This semester’s After School Activity (ASA) program will begin on February 23rd.

Important dates for you to note in your calendar:

January 30th – Activity Listing & important registration information to be found in your child’s Friday folder. The ASA booklet will also be available online via the ISB parent portal. This is also where you register for ASA.

February 2, 3 & 4: Printed registration forms along with exact payment can be dropped in the red drop box outside the ES office.

February 13th: Confirmations of ASA placement will be sent home via the Friday Folder·

February  23rd: After School Activities begin!

Livnat Ziskinder
ES After School Activities Coordinator

Cafeteria News…Did You Know…?

Organic Ground Flax Seeds are now available at the Grind!  Making the list of the now popular term ‘Superfoods’, flax seeds are one of the oldest fiber crops in the world, offering an array of health benefits.  A rich source of Fiber (aiding in digestion), Omega-3 fatty acids (acting as an anti-inflammatory), and Magnesium (which helps boost energy) are just the beginning of the story of this Superfood. There’s also evidence that flax seeds can lower high blood pressure and cholesterol.  The Latin name for flax is ‘Linum Usitatissimum’, which means “the most useful”.  Modern medicine today shows most kids and adults do not get enough omega 3 fatty acids in their diets.

Flax Seeds are best consumed when ground, as otherwise they can pass through the body undigested.  Recommended dosages are 1 tbsp for children and 2-3 tbsp for adults.  Available by the tbsp at 10 Baht/ serving, ask to have flax seeds added to your smoothies.  Best yet, with zero adverse taste affects whatsoever.  Enjoy!

Michelle Mueller Ihrig
Contract Manager
Epicure Catering

After School Supervision – Reminder

Please ensure you know where your child is each afternoon and that maids and nannies understand ISB policy around supervision after school.  For safety’s sake, ES students MAY NOT be on campus after school unless supervised by an adult. Thank you for your cooperation.

(Repeat) Learn to Swim Program

The Learn to Swim program will offer 2 sessions in the upcoming semester.

Session 3 – Feb 16th to March 26th

Session 4 – April 20th to May 28th

Classes will take place at the following times:

Mon & Wed 2:20-3:00

Tues & Thurs 2:20-3:00

PRE K ONLY  Tues & Thurs 1:45-2:15

PRE K ONLY Mon & Wed 1:45-2:15

Cost is 5000 baht for a 6 week (12 class) session (K-5)

Cost is 4500 baht for a 6 week (12 class) session (pre K)

Please go to this link to sign up.  As spaces are limited you will be informed by email if you have secured a place.

For more information contact Corry Day (

Calendar of Events

January 2015

Jan. 17 Girls Scouts Sock Hop
Jan. 20 PTA Executive Board Meeting 10:00 am
Board of Trustees Meeting 6:00 pm (MPB 3)
Jan. 21 ES Make-up Photos
Jan. 23 Lost and Found Display
Chinese New Year Food Fair
Jan. 27 1:00 pm Early Dismissal
Jan. 27-30 ES Class Photos
Jan. 29 Gr. 4 Music Celebration of Learning 8:15 am
Jan. 30 ES After School Activities Registration Opens

About Tina

ES secretary
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