Cafeteria News…Did You Know…?

Organic Ground Flax Seeds are now available at the Grind!  Making the list of the now popular term ‘Superfoods’, flax seeds are one of the oldest fiber crops in the world, offering an array of health benefits.  A rich source of Fiber (aiding in digestion), Omega-3 fatty acids (acting as an anti-inflammatory), and Magnesium (which helps boost energy) are just the beginning of the story of this Superfood. There’s also evidence that flax seeds can lower high blood pressure and cholesterol.  The Latin name for flax is ‘Linum Usitatissimum’, which means “the most useful”.  Modern medicine today shows most kids and adults do not get enough omega 3 fatty acids in their diets.

Flax Seeds are best consumed when ground, as otherwise they can pass through the body undigested.  Recommended dosages are 1 tbsp for children and 2-3 tbsp for adults.  Available by the tbsp at 10 Baht/ serving, ask to have flax seeds added to your smoothies.  Best yet, with zero adverse taste affects whatsoever.  Enjoy!

Michelle Mueller Ihrig
Contract Manager
Epicure Catering

About Tina

ES secretary
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