PreK’s “Little Hands Making Big Change” sale to support the After The Wave (ATW) foundation – Dec. 11th & 12th

by Alyson Espinoza Diaz

Pre K’s “Little Hands Making Big Change” sale to support the After The Wave (ATW) foundation will take place on December 11th and 12th.

Please stop by one of our tables, either outside the ES MPR (morning only) or in the Main Cafeteria (all day).

We will sell many of the same items from last year, and also some new things including:

Folding sports chairs with the ISB logo



Boxed Card set (with Pre K artwork)

Notepads and Notebooks (with Pre K artwork)

Christmas ornaments

Beaded items (made by Pre K students)

Sweet treats

and much more

ATW supports children and their families of the Phang-na region of Thailand who were affected by the 2004 tsunami, by helping to provide basic necessities such as housing, medical needs, and school expenses.  Pre K sponsors three specific children.  Here’s a little information about each of the children:

Kannittha (Sai)  was  added to ATW in August 2013. Her birthdate is April 25, 1997. There are three kids in the family. Her parents are farmers. She likes to study music, English, and Thai. She would like to work as a school principal. She lives at the R35 school.

Nov. 2013 Bok –  Aged 11. Bok’s parents work as plantation labourers. He likes to study the Thai language, and he thinks he would like to be a teacher. There are 3 kids in the family.

Arm does not know his parents or even know if he has siblings. He is an orphan who boards at R35. Prior to coming to R35 he lived at a temple and was raised by the monks. Arm has no memory of his parents. His only memory is of living with the monks at the temple.

Nov. 2013: Now, he stays with parents who work as farmers. He has seven brothers or sisters. He’s the youngest one. He likes to study math and Thai. He wants to be a soccer player.

little handsss-crop

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