Kids Action for Kids Christmas Bazaar raised funds for 101 surgeries!

by Torgunn Aas Reggestad and Andrew Cohen, Teacher Advisor for ISB Kids Action for Kids Club

A big THANK YOU to all who supported Kids Action for Kids Christmas Bazaar on Nov. 29th.Our net result ended at  THB 1.265.821 which will go directly to surgeries of Thai children with cleft lip and cleft pallet. With DTAC’s match this will give 101 kids their life changing surgery.

Thanks to all who made this success possible; Sponsors, Bakers, Raffle Sellers and Buyers, Craft Makers, Volunteers, Bazaar Customers, Helpers, Nichada Thani, ISB  and many many more .

Without your support this fantastic result simply wouldn’t be possible!

We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Best Regards

ISB Kids Action for Kids High School Club and Scandinavian Ladies with International Friends

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