HS Wishing Tree Club Annual Backpack Drive is on now!

by Ms. Loreto Alonso, Teacher Advisor for ISB’s Wishing Tree Club

The Wishing Tree Club is currently collecting backpacks to donate to Pakkred Babies Home. Everyone, including students, parents, staff and faculty members, can donate by taking cards from Christmas trees that are located in the HS, MS, and Business offices. In the card, there will be a list of school supplies you will have to purchase to place inside the backpack. When you take a card, please do not forget to sign your name on the sign up sheet. Here’s an online version of the sign up sheet if you’d like: https://docs.google.com/a/isb.ac.th/document/d/1026i-nWxTR4Y2f7IYvndNCrJAgvlAr9o3YXTtQiPJTo/edit?usp=sharing The due date for the backpack is on January 19th. For more information about this project, please contact Ms. Loreto Alonso at loretoa@isb.ac.th







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