Fall Adult Education Program 2014 – Thanks

Gabriela Alvarez Fourcade

Dear ISB Community,

I’d like to express my sincere thanks to all who were part of our Fall Adult Education Program 2014.
I hope you enjoyed a wonderful medley of activities provided by the PTA of ISB. This semester we had a huge number of different classes with over 200 participants taking them.
Please bear in mind that this is a volunteer-run program and if there were any small obstacles you encountered during this time, please accept our apologies.
We’re looking forward to continuing with AEP next school semester. More information will be sent out in January.
If you would like to know more about the program, please contact me on this email: isbadulted@gmail.com.
Many thanks and have you all a fabulous holidays!
Best regards,
Gabriela Alvarez Fourcade

ISB PTA Adult Education Coordinator


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