Grade 3 Partners with Second Chance Bangkok – Sale of their upcycled goods December 9th

by Vera Day

Grade 3 Partners with Second Chance Bangkok:
Unique Service Learning Opportunity in the Elementary School

Grade 3 is forging a relationship with a local fair trade organization, Second Chance Bangkok. To have our students feel more connected to their learning outside the classroom walls. Grade 3 students will participate in an authentic learning experience becoming caring global citizens in a real world context. To help develop citizenship, responsibility, and other positive character virtues.

Tuesday December 9th, “Second Chance Bangkok” after working with Grade 3 students, will set up a sale of their upcycled goods in the ESMPR from 9:30-12:30 p.m. All parents and staff are welcome to come and purchase their beautiful goods during this visit.

2nd chance

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