High School Counseling Newsletter

Kevin Davy  kevind@isb.ac.th

Dear Parents,

As always, if you are concerned about your son’s or daughter’s performance or experiences here at ISB or outside of school, do not hesitate to contact his or her counselor.  We’re here to help.

Grade 12 – This Monday, November 24 is the final date to submit transcript requests for colleges with application deadlines through February. Please remind your son/daughter of this important deadline. Also, Monday’s University lab has been moved to December 1. Counselors will lead a session for Seniors on Monday, December 1 on university interviews. This session is aimed at those students who may have general university interview with an alumni.

1. Standardized test scores (TOEFL, ACT, SAT, etc.) must be sent from the testing agency, not ISB.

2. Seniors applying to universities that are not in their home country (ie: Thai citizen applying to the US) will need to submit some form of financial documentation/ability to pay. Please research this requirement thoroughly for each university. Each school has a different requirement.

Seniors are reminded to make and keep appointments with their counselor for university application submissions. Please be on time.

Grade 11 – This coming Monday November 24th there will a Junior Seminar during Flex-time. This seminar will focus on university research and all students will receive an important packet that will need to be completed before Junior Meetings in February.

Grade 10 – With a year of experience “under their belts”, the 10th graders should know pretty well the timing and preparation needed to be ready for their semester exams.  A little preparation no will go a long way to reducing anxiety and the need to “cram” for tests the night before.

Counselors will be meeting with all 10th graders in the next two weeks to check on their progress, see how the first semester has gone, and simply get to know the students a little better before the end of the semester!

Grade 9 Every Freshman will be meeting with Mr. Davy for an individual conference during the month of October and beginning of November. This will be a check-in to see how life in the high school is moving along. This week in Freshman Seminar students further explored their own personal character strengths and worked on creating their own personal brick for the 9th Grade “Wall of Strength”.

Every year we have a handful of students who may be applying to high schools / boarding schools in other countries for the following school year. Some of these deadlines are in January / February, especially for boarding schools in the United States. It is important that the student’s counselor and counseling office are informed of these January deadline applications by Friday December 5th so that applications can be prepared before the break and make required deadlines.

Upcoming College/University Visits

Tuesday November 25:@ lunch in room #203

Wednesday, November 26:@ lunch in room #203

Please see Naviance for the extensive list of colleges/universities that will be visiting ISB.

Have a great weekend!

The HS Counseling Department


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