High School Counseling Newsletter

Kevin Davy
Dear Parents,

As always, if you are concerned about your son’s or daughter’s performance or experiences here at ISB or outside of school, do not hesitate to contact his or her counselor.  We’re here to help.

Grade 12 – Seniors applying to universities with deadlines of November through January (Hong Kong, UK, Canada, US, etc.) are busy finalizing and submitting their applications with counselors. November 24 is the final date to submit transcript requests for applications deadlines through February (formal notification to ISB of where a Senior is applying). We want to remind students and parents that application essays should be the sole work of the student, written in their own voice. Admissions representatives are keen at detecting if essays are not the work of a 17/18 year-old student and compare written work to grades and standardized test scores.  A few final reminders for Seniors and parents:

  1. Standardized test scores (TOEFL, ACT, SAT, etc.) must be sent from the testing agency, not ISB.
  2. Seniors applying to universities that are not in their home country (ie: Thai citizen applying to the US) will need to submit some form of financial documentation/ability to pay. Please research this requirement thoroughly for each university. Each school has a different requirement.

Seniors are reminded to make and keep appointments with their counselor for university application submissions. Please be on time.

Grade 11 – Students are encouraged to continue meeting with college/university representatives to learn about different institutions and to connect with representatives.

Research, Research, Research….

Grade 10 – This past week the sophomores explored some possible career options through the “Career Interest Profiler” on Naviance.  It is based on answering a survey and then comparing results to the results of people in various professions.  Ask your son or daughter what their results were!

Grade 9 Every Freshman will be meeting with Mr. Davy for an individual conference during the month of October and beginning of November. This will be a check-in to see how life in the high school is moving along. This week in Freshman Seminar students worked on identifying their own personal character strengths. To do this they completed a well-respected survey created by Gallup. This is part of their Naviance account. After identifying the top three strengths students were asked to flex these strength muscles and put tem into action. One of their tasks was to create and carry out one action step for each of their three strengths this week. There will be additional sessions focusing on individual character strengths in the near future.

Upcoming College/University Visits

Monday, November 17: @ lunch in room #203
Sino-British College (China)

Thursday November 20:@ lunch in room #203
S P Jain School of Global Management (Singapaore)

Tuesday November 25:@ lunch in room #203
Johns Hopkins University (U.S.A)

Wednesday, November 26:@ lunch in room #203
|Staffordshire University (United Kingdom)

Please see Naviance for the extensive list of colleges/universities that will be visiting ISB.

Have a great weekend!
The HS Counseling Department

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