Principal’s Forum – Thursday Oct. 9th

Topics Covered include:

 1.     Homework related issues

2.     Counseling issues:

a.   related to stress, depression and other mental health areas

b.   damaging and/or addictive websites inc. pornography

c.    chemical dependency issues

d.    college application and the need for accurate information

e.    the pressures on applying to top name schools

f.     the limit of 10 applications to universities

g.    information sessions for parents from different country groups

3.     Music Cultural Convention rules

4.     Evacuation drills impact on tests/exams

5.     Sport opportunities for high school students

6.     The differences between predicted and actual IB scores

7.     Moving the Extended Essay earlier in the school year

8.     Could some HS PTA meetings be held in the evening?


Link to Audio File Download for Principal’s Forum

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