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MS eNews – Friday, October 17, 2014

Updated MS Calendar of upcoming events for the next four weeks:

Monday-Friday, October 20-24

  • October Break – No School

Friday, October 31

  • MS Halloween Social at 3:00pm
  • U17 Try Outs (Basketball, Rugby, Swim, Tennis, Touch)

Saturday, November 1

  • BISAC U11A Boys Basketball at ISB
  • BISAC U13 Basketball, Boys at RIS, Girls at SHB
  • BISAC U13 Tennis, Boys at BPS, Girls at HIS
  • BISAC U15 Basketball, Boys at ISB, Girls at ASB
  • BISAC U17 Football, Boys and Girls at TCIS
  • BISAC U17 Volleyball, Boys at NIST, Girls at ICS

Sunday, November 2

  • BISAC U11B&C Basketball at NIST
  • BISAC U11A Girls Basketball at SHB
  • BISAC U15 Rugby at NIST
  • BISAC U15 Touch Invitational at ISB

Tuesday, November 4

  • Early Dismissal at 1:00pm

Monday, November 10

  • BISAC U11 Soccer Begins (Mon/Thur)
  • BISAC U13/15 Soccer & Badminton Try Outs

Tuesday, November 11

  • Season One U13/U15 Sports Awards Celebration

Wednesday, November 12

  • BISAC U11 Track Begins (Wednesdays)
  • BISAC U13/15 Soccer & Badminton Try Outs

Thursday, November 13

  • BISAC U11 Soccer Begins (Monday/Thurdays)
  • BISAC U13/15 Track Begins (Thursdays)
  • MS PTA Parent Meeting at 11:00am – 12:00pm
  • MS Theatre Sports Production at 3:00pm

Friday, November 14

  • Last Day for 6th Grade Trimester 1 Classes (Art, Dance, Drama)

Monday, November 17

  • First Day for 6th Grade Trimester 2 Classes (Art, Dance, Drama)



Note from the MS counselors about October’s Counselor Connection

We hope you can join us on Wednesday, October 29th, from 9:00-10:00am in the MPB-2 for our Middle School Counselor Connection. In response to parent feedback at our previous Counselor Connection, the focus will be on building responsible and resilient teenagers. Coffee and pastries will be provided.

If you would like to join us on October 29th, please kindly RSVP by completing this Google orm. Have a wonderful October holiday!



MS Halloween Social

The MS Halloween Social will take place on Friday, October 31st from 2:30-4:30pm. We need parents who like to help decorating (starting at 12:30pm) and cleaning up (at 4:30pm) the MPB room. If you are able to help, please get in touch with us via We will give you further information by email.

Nisha Westerman and Andrea Puck



Measures of Academic Progress (MAP)

MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) scores were mailed home last weekend.  If you have not received your child’s scores, please contact Khun Arisa in the MS Office at



Repeat Announcement:  Cafeteria News…Did You Know…?

Our delicious home roast Turkeys and Honey Hams are available for personal order year round, not just on the special Holidays!  Especially now with abounding festive celebrations coming up for many in the ISB community, this is good news.  Orders can be placed by email one week in advance.  However, during the peak seasons, the amount of orders that can be placed are limited per day, therefore early notice is key.  Unfortunately orders are not available during school holidays/ closure times.  Should you wish to find out more, please email:  Enjoy.



Repeat Announcement:  Applications to Boarding or Summer Programs

If your child is considering an application to a boarding or summer school, please click here to access a form that explains the procedures in our middle school to support this process.  Please review both pages of the form with your student.  This form also serves as a cover sheet for each application the student submits.

For example, if the student submits three boarding school applications, three separate copies of the form must be completed.  Most applications will require references or evaluations from teachers.  Students must give teachers at least two weeks to complete an evaluation or reference and should first approach their teachers in person with the request.  Students are also responsible for following up with teachers to ensure that deadlines have been met and all evaluations and letters are delivered to the counseling office on time.  Please see your school counselor if you have any questions or concerns.  Thank you!

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