High School Counseling Newsletter

Jennifer Melton

Dear Parents,

October break is here! Our wish for students is that the week is a good opportunity for them to find balance between relaxation, quality time with family, and getting caught up on any school items that may have been difficult to manage during the last few weeks.

Grade 12 – Counselors met with Seniors in small groups this week to address any questions they had regarding upcoming applications. Please remind your son or daughter to keep close track of deadlines and to clearly and regularly communicate with their counselor. Students need to send official ACT, SAT, and/or TOEFL results through the testing body. ISB does not submit these scores for students.

There are three university fairs the week after October break (Thai, UK, and US). Read further for more information.

Grade 11 – All Juniors took the PSAT this past week. Results should arrive in January in time for them to review and prepare for the January SAT. The SAT is designed for students to take second semester of Junior year and first semester of Senior year. The January SAT is an ideal time for Juniors to take their first SAT, not sooner.

If a student is not enrolled in the full IB Diploma, they are advised to sit the SAT as many universities across the world (UK, Canada, Australia, etc.) will ask for these results in place of the IB Diploma.

There are three university fairs the week after October break (Thai, UK, and US). Read further for more information.

Grade 10 – All Sophomores took the ACT Plan this past week. Results should arrive before the December break. Ask your son or daughter about their top 5 strengths from last week’s Sophomore Seminar. Sophomores are also encouraged to stop by, say hi, and introduce themselves to their counselor.

Grade 9 Every Freshman will be meeting with Mr. Davy for an individual conference during the month of October and beginning of November. This will be a check-in to see how life in the high school is moving along. The next Freshman Seminar is on October 29/30.

Upcoming College/University Visits

Monday, October 27: @ lunch in room #203
The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology

Tuesday, October 28: @ lunch in room #203
University of Illinois at Chicago

Thursday, October 30:
THAI UNIVERSITY FAIR @ lunch in the cafeteria

UK University Fair @ Grand Millenium Sukhumvit Hotel

  • 2:00-7:00pm
  • Transportation will be provided to the event and back to Nichada.  Interested juniors and seniors must register with Khun Mai (counseling secretary) beginning Monday, October 13.

Friday, October 31: US University Fair @ lunch in the ISB cafeteria

Please see Naviance for the extensive list of colleges/universities that will be visiting ISB.

Have a great holiday!
The HS Counseling Department

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