Repeat Announcement:  MS Athletics Opportunities – Where to Find Information

ISB has numerous athletics opportunities taking place, such as community activities, MS sports league, Intramurals, and even international school competitions called BISAC.  We understand that although it is great to offer so many opportunities to our students, it can also be quite confusing and even overwhelming at times to know where to go to find information.

Please click the links below for more information on the following:

  • An overview of all ISB Arts, Activities, Athletics, and Community Activities and to see who is in charge.
  •  Community Activities.  These are not school teams, but as it says, it’s community activities.  This is run by ISB’s Community Activities Office; not the Athletics office.
  • ISB Athletics.  ISB school teams compete in IASAS (Varsity teams only) and BISAC.  BISACwhich stands for the Bangkok International School Athletic Conference, is for teams from Under 11 to Varsity.  I, Kerry Dyke, am the athletic director for the BISAC teams of U11, U13, and U15.  If you click BISAC this will take you to our ISB Athletics page and tell you all about it.  You can see more details about our age policy, the weekly results from all the BISAC games, a calendar showing all the upcoming games, events, and even tryouts.  You can see an overview for all the sports played at each age level throughout the year.  Finally, you can even see who the BISAC schools are and find a map to their location.  I strongly encourage you to save this site if you have a child playing on a school team.  To see coaches and practice times click here.

We also have Intramurals and MS Sports league.  There is no website for either and kids find out about it thought assemblies and postings in the daily email bulletin.  MS Sports League runs on Thursdays from 2:10 – 3:10 and we follow the main sport of that BISAC season.  Season 1: Basketball, Season 2: Soccer, and Season 3: Volleyball.  There are no cuts and all MS students are welcome.  It is organized and students are placed on teams, games are real and results are recorded.  However, the focus is fun and participation.  Intramurals is more informal.  A teacher may want to sponsor an activity for a few weeks and whoever wants to join on that day can play.  However, this is dependent on teachers volunteering, as a result, the offerings and times vary.

Where else can parents and students find all of this information?

In addition to the school website links, we often announce big events at assemblies in front of all students.  Information is also provided daily in the Good Morning ISBMS email bulletin (please check daily) from Mr. Tague and posters are put up in the athletics area.

Thank you and we hope to see you out at the games.


Kerry Dyke

MS Athletics/BISAC Director

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