Booking times for Parent Conferences

Parent conferences are Thursday and Friday next week.  The online scheduler, Pick-a-Time opened yesterday morning. Details of how you make appointments were sent home with students on Monday of this week.

Some points of clarification for making appointments:

  • Conferences with Specialists are 5 mins. Pick-a-time books each appointment within a 30min time block, allowing for flexibility as families travel from room to room. Parents are able to book the SAME 30min time block for all four specialists.

  • If you are planning on visiting the same specialist for more than one of your children, please ensure to make an appointment for EACH child.

  • Making a change to your conference schedule is easy.  You can log on here

Online bookings through Pick-a Time will close on Tuesday September 30 at 2pm
More details about Conferences will be available in this week’s ES eNews.

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