Athletics Update

Andy Vaughan

Last weekend ISB hosted the pre-IASAS Cross Country Exchange staging races both off and on campus for all visiting runners. Our Panthers had terrific success in both the boys and girls divisions, with the girls finishing second and the boys finishing comfortably in first place. Both teams are looking very strong contenders for the upcoming IASAS in Manila.

Our Varsity Volleyball teams also had a successful tournament in Singapore finishing third amongst the teams attending; gaining valuable competition experience and having the chance to practice line ups and scout opposition teams. Our Varsity Boys and Girls teams travelled to Jakarta for the Soccer Exchange, also gaining the chance to measure their ability against the other visiting teams with the boys losing only to Jakarta International School and the girls picking up two losses and a win.

On our home front both our Girls and Boys U17 Soccer teams competed in a friendly tournament at Shrewsbury where the girls finished fourth and the boys walked away as champions. Congratulations to all teams for a successful weekend of sport and a huge thank you to every family that housed over last weekend to make the Cross Country and Dance Exchange the success it was.

As we look forward to IASAS I would like to remind parents that all students participating in IASAS will be returning on the Sunday of the holidays. Please keep this in mind as you are planning any last minute October break holidays. Students involved in the PSAT on Wednesday 15 October will also take a later flight in the day to IASAS instead of the earlier flight with majority of the team. Information regarding IASAS will be sent out next week to all families.


For those who like to plan ahead, please note that season three IASAS runs into Songkran again with teams returning to school a day later than normal, on the Monday 13 April. Please be very aware when booking flights for this period.

We hope that all our community enjoys the ISB Activity Free weekend as we all take this opportunity to pause and gain some balance in what has been a very busy start to the year for our Student Athletes.

Have a restful long weekend!


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