Repeat Announcement:  To:  All Middle School Parents

From:  Middle School Counseling Team

(Mr. Turner, Mrs. Nordmeyer, Mrs. Greenwood)


Welcome to Active Parenting of Teens

Dates:  Wednesdays:  November 5, 12, 19, and 26

Time:  9:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Place:  MPB-1 (biggest room at the end of the MPB hall)

Parenting is one of life’s greatest rewards and challenges. Particularly, parenting teenagers! The Active Parenting of Teens program ( is a four-part workshop that builds on each previous session, so it is recommended to attend all four sessions. The counselors will be facilitating the Active Parenting workshops to offer guidance and support to turn the challenges of raising a teenager into opportunities for growth. One of the central goals of the workshop is to build tools to help parents ensure their teens develop the skills and character they need to thrive as they gain independence. During the four sessions parents will learn:

  •       methods of respectful discipline
  •       skills for clear, honest communication
  •       concrete strategies to prevent risky behavior
  •        how to be an encouraging parent

In order to maximize the program’s delivery and effectiveness, we ask for attendance at all four sessions and we will be limiting participation to the first 40 parents who respond.  We hope to offer the program again during the second semester.

To register for the workshop, please click on this link and complete the form.  If the link does not work, please find the URL below.  The form will close once we reach full enrollment.

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