High School Counseling Newsletter

Ryan Haynes

Grade 12: During University Lab this past Monday, there was a workshop for students focusing on how to write a university application essay.

Grade 12 students should have scheduled meetings with their respective counselor to discuss their application timeline, testing schedule, and who will be writing their letters of recommendation. If your Grade 12 son/daughter has not scheduled meeting with his/her counselor to discuss the above-mentioned items, please have them do so.

Students should have already requested letters of recommendation from teachers.

If you son/daughter is applying Early Decision (ED) or Early Action (EA) to a college/university in the U.S. or to a UK medical, dental, veterinary program or Oxbridge those application deadlines are between October 15 and Nov. 15. Please make sure that your son/daughter know his/her application deadlines.

Seniors continue to attend college visits.

Grade 11: Juniors attended Junior Seminar this past Wednesday, Sept. 10 and Thursday, Sept. 11. The topic of the seminar was on college match. Students completed questionnaires that provided them with further insight into themselves that will assist them in researching colleges/universities that might be a good match.

Continue to attend college visits.

Grade 10: The first Sophomore Seminar will be on Wednesday and Thursday, October 8/9.  Students will explore their personal strengths and how they relate to success in school and life.

All the sophomores have a new counselor this year; that counselor will work with each student and his/her family for the next three years.  Please encourage your son or daughter to stop by and say hello to their counselor.  We’re easy to talk to!

Grade 9: 9th Graders this week hopefully found the two Freshman Seminar sessions to be helpful. Mr. Davy presented some general time management skills and introduced some applications that may help in this endeavor. Students were also asked to track the use of their time this week on a time tracking sheet. This will be one part of a guide for setting goals next week. Mr. Rogers also gave the students a good overview of different academic programs in the high school, including the International Baccalaureate (I.B) program. Again this will tie in nicely as students look ahead to set themselves goals for their near and far future.

Upcoming College Visits

Tuesday, September 16:
University of South Florida (Tampa)

Wednesday, September 17:
Miami University (Oxford, Ohio)
Parsons, The New School for Design (New York City)
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
University of Oregon
University of Vermont

*Reminder, college/university visits are in Rm. 203 next to the High School Counseling Office unless otherwise noted. This information is also listed in Naviance.

Have a great week!
The High School Counseling Department

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