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Global Citizenship Week (GCW)
Peter Roback

The 2014-2015 GCW Course Fair was held Tuesday, 9 September.  All 41 GCW trips were represented and teacher sponsors were available to share information and answer questions.  In addition, the online GCW Program of Studies is now available on the ISB HS website.

Registration for the GCW courses begins on Monday, 22 September at 7 pm, for Grade 12 students.  The registration windows for each grade are listed in the school calendar.  Registration is done entirely online.  More information on the registration process to come.
Students will provide their top 5 preferences in order and will be assigned courses based on time of submission.  Once courses become full, students will be assigned their next preference.  This makes the order in which students select courses very important.  We ask that parents and students have conversations ahead of time about courses, especially what parents are willing to support financially.  For students wishing to change courses after registration has been completed, please note that they will drop to the end of the list and will only be assigned a course that is available after all other students have registered.
Once registration is complete and all students have been assigned to a course, parent permission forms will be distributed which include specific course information, including cost.  Parents will be committed to making payment as a condition of accepting courses.  Final  payments will be due on 11 November.
Additional GCW updates will be provided though Friday’s Parent Communication.  Every course offers amazing learning and character development experiences for students.  Read through course descriptions together and help find the course that is the best fit for your son/daughter.




Grade 9 MAP Testing
Philip Rogers

Due to technical issues in the HS we have been unable to conduct the MAP testing this week for Grade 9.  We are hoping to reschedule the testing to the week commencing 22nd September.




High School Counseling Newsletter
Ryan Haynes

Grade 12: During University Lab this past Monday, there was a workshop for students focusing on how to write a university application essay.

Grade 12 students should have scheduled meetings with their respective counselor to discuss their application timeline, testing schedule, and who will be writing their letters of recommendation. If your Grade 12 son/daughter has not scheduled meeting with his/her counselor to discuss the above-mentioned items, please have them do so.

Students should have already requested letters of recommendation from teachers.

If you son/daughter is applying Early Decision (ED) or Early Action (EA) to a college/university in the U.S. or to a UK medical, dental, veterinary program or Oxbridge those application deadlines are between October 15 and Nov. 15. Please make sure that your son/daughter know his/her application deadlines.

Seniors continue to attend college visits.

Grade 11: Juniors attended Junior Seminar this past Wednesday, Sept. 10 and Thursday, Sept. 11. The topic of the seminar was on college match. Students completed questionnaires that provided them with further insight into themselves that will assist them in researching colleges/universities that might be a good match.

Continue to attend college visits.

Grade 10: The first Sophomore Seminar will be on Wednesday and Thursday, October 8/9.  Students will explore their personal strengths and how they relate to success in school and life.

All the sophomores have a new counselor this year; that counselor will work with each student and his/her family for the next three years.  Please encourage your son or daughter to stop by and say hello to their counselor.  We’re easy to talk to!

Grade 9: 9th Graders this week hopefully found the two Freshman Seminar sessions to be helpful. Mr. Davy presented some general time management skills and introduced some applications that may help in this endeavor. Students were also asked to track the use of their time this week on a time tracking sheet. This will be one part of a guide for setting goals next week. Mr. Rogers also gave the students a good overview of different academic programs in the high school, including the International Baccalaureate (I.B) program. Again this will tie in nicely as students look ahead to set themselves goals for their near and far future.

Upcoming College Visits

Tuesday, September 16:
University of South Florida (Tampa)

Wednesday, September 17:
Miami University (Oxford, Ohio)
Parsons, The New School for Design (New York City)
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
University of Oregon
University of Vermont

*Reminder, college/university visits are in Rm. 203 next to the High School Counseling Office unless otherwise noted. This information is also listed in Naviance.

Have a great week!
The High School Counseling Department


Panthers at Exchanges and Tournaments This Weekend
Andy Vaughan

Our Varsity Soccer and Varsity Volleyball teams are both away at Jakarta International School and Singapore American School respectively for their pre-IASAS Exchanges this weekend. Both teams will play games Friday and Saturday in their build up for their IASAS tournament, which takes place 16-18 October.

ISB will also be hosting 4 other IASAS Schools and American International School Guangzhou this weekend for the pre-IASAS Cross Country Exchange. We look forward to welcoming these schools today and extend a enormous thank you to those in the community housing our visiting athletes. The 5 km race will take place tomorrow at Buddhamonton Park at 8.45am for the girls and 9.30 for the boys. Later in the day teams will race on campus in a Team Time Trial at 4pm for the girls and 4.45pm for the boys. Please come and support our runners this weekend as they test themselves against the other IASAS runners.

This weekend our U17 Soccer teams will also be travelling to Shrewsbury for a 7-Aside Soccer tournament, we wish both these teams all the best as they have their first tournament for the season.



ISB School Board Meeting, September 16, 2014 (Tuesday)

The next School Board regular meeting will be on Tuesday, September 16, 2014 , 6:00 pm at the MPB 3.   All ISA members are welcome to attend.

Board Agenda 16 9 14.pdf



Walking in Peace
Chris Tananone

“Walking in Peace” will be the theme of ISB’s first schoolwide Peace Day to be celebrated on Wednesday, September 24th. The UN sponsored International Day of Peace is celebrated annually on September 21st, this year a Sunday.  Peace Day at ISB will be low key, as befits the theme. Students in all divisions have been busy painting stones and rocks with peaceful words, “peace” in multiple languages, and places in our world in need of peace. These will be placed on both sides of the second floor hallway, to be designated as a “Path of Peace”. The HS students will hold a Peace Day observance in the main library at lunch on the 24th, MS students will have a Peace Day assembly the following week (September 30), and some ES grade levels will practice “walking in peace” along the 2nd floor hallway.  We are asking all members of our school community to “wear white” on Wednesday, September 24th as a symbol of ISB’s commitment to peace in our own lives, in our school, in our host country, and in the world.  For more information contact Chris Tananone, Global Citizenship Coordinator, at

International day of peace



Cafeteria News…Did You Know…?
Michelle Mueller Ihrig
We are proud to say that back in 2012 we successfully banned the sales of plastic water bottles on campus.  You will therefore be wondering why plastic water bottles are on sale at the Grind end of this month….?  Each year the Cafeteria carries an emergency stock of water bottles, last year being the incident of the protesting in which case we were preparing ourselves that students may need to stay on campus and even spend the night.  Luckily our stock was not needed, which is why they will now be sold, allowing us to order a new stockpile thereby avoiding the long exposure of the water to the plastic.  Here’s to going green yet keeping prepared.

Fun Fact:  We used to sell approx 300 bottles a day, x 180 school days = approx 54,000 bottles in a year, which we now save from being thrown to the trash piles.  Enjoy.




eNewsletter Guidelines
Tony Arnold

ISB eNewsletters provide a valuable avenue for communication within the ISB parent community. For your convenience we have provided you with our eNewsletter guidelines below.

Submitting an announcement for publication
ISB accepts announcements from ISB families for potential publication in our eNewsletters. The announcements are generally intended to highlight events that occur at ISB and/or highlight information about ISB.

What to include in the announcement
• A title for your announcement
• An email contact for further information

Where to submit your announcement
is for announcements of interest to the entire ISB community. is for Elementary School (ES) announcements of interest to ES families. is for Middle School (MS) announcements of interest to MS families. is for High School (HS) announcements of interest to HS families.

Your announcement will be submitted to the appropriate Principal and/or to our Marketing Director for review. ISB reserves the right to determine which announcements will and will not be published, and to edit announcements that are approved for publication.

Frequency of eNewsletter mailings
The ISB eNewsletter that is for the entire community is sent out on Thursdays. Announcements for potential publication in this newsletter must be received by noon on Thursdays.

The ES, MS, and HS eNewsletters are sent out on Fridays. Announcements for potential publication in these newsletters must be received by noon on Fridays.


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