A Note from the ISB PTA President…

Welcome back, ISB!  As the first days of the school year are upon us, the PTA is already in full swing planning and hosting a wide range of events to help ISB parents, whether new or returning, feel welcomed and get oriented to our amazing school. It’s going to be a great and active year ahead, so stay tuned for news and events.

One thing you’ll notice as you walk through the beautiful, tropical breezeways at ISB is that parents are a common and welcomed sight around every corner.  It’s not unusual to see parents helping with a school production, sharing conversation over cups of coffee at the Grind, heading out to the sports fields to watch a practice, or settling in the MS/HS library over the newspaper or a good book.   This is not just an amazing place for our kids. The heartbeat of our wonderful community, ISB is a place where we hope you as parents will feel welcomed to come and explore all that our school has to offer.  So grab your bike (and helmet!) and come visit.

Our PTA office is located on the ground floor in the ES music and art quad.  Stop by anytime to pick up a flyer, ask a question or find a new way to get involved.  We promise you’ll be met with a warm smile!

Wishing you and your families a rewarding and fun semester!

Charlotte Hallengren
ISB PTA President

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