MAP and ISA Assessments

Our school uses a range of assessment tools to gauge student progress in literacy and math.  We also use two standardized assessments throughout the year to assess these areas.  These are Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) for grades 3-9 and International Schools Assessment (ISA) for grades 3, 5, 7 and 10.  The results of these assessments are not included in annual school reports but they do provide us with interesting and useful data on an individual and school wide scale.

When school resumes, we will be sending home individual student scores together with explanatory notes for students who took these assessments.  If you need to know more about your child’s assessment scores, please see their teacher or counselor.

If you wish to know more about MAP and/or ISA in general, we will have a short presentation in the Middle School Skybox (3rd floor) on Monday June 2nd from 9:30 – 10:30.


Graeme Scott
Deputy Head of School for Learning

About Tina

ES secretary
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