ISB Security Update: Friday, May 23rd, 2014 @ 8:30 a.m.

Dear ISB Community,

Thank you for your cooperation today at such short notice.

At this stage we plan to open school on Monday 26th May, but will of course be in touch should anything change.

In the event that we face a longer school closure, we will activate the ISB virtual school so that learning can continue.

IB exams are taking place today and we are pleased to report 100% attendance this morning.

Grade 8 students returned safely from Chiang Mai this morning. Expected arrival times for students in grades 5, 6 and 7 are as follows:

Grades 7 should arrive at ISB by 12:00pm
Grades 6 should arrive at ISB by 12:00pm
Grades 5 should arrive at ISB by 1:00pm

As previously communicated, parents of students that are on class trips are asked to make arrangements to have students picked up at ISB. Anyone with transportation difficulties should contact the appropriate principal as soon as possible and we will make arrangements with Montri.

At this stage, the HS Prom will take place this Saturday night (24th May) at the Peninsula Hotel from the new times of 5:00pm to 8:00pm. ISB will arrange for buses to take students to and from school, departing from ISB at 4:00pm. Students wishing to take the ISB bus must sign up here. Tickets will be available at the door and parent permission forms are required. Parents of students that will not be returning to ISB should arrange for transportation home from the hotel. Taxis should be avoided and students should go straight home after the event. For any matters relating to the HS Prom, please contact Mr. Philip Bradley.

This weekend, all CAO activities will be cancelled or postponed. No CAO activities will take place on campus this Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. These events include: Panther Paws, Gymnastics, Panther Swim Team, NBBL Tournament, ASD, IMP and Panther Tennis (more information on rescheduling will be sent out by individual activity coordinators).

The situation remains unpredictable and ISB community members are advised to monitor events through the media. ISB will remain in touch with our various security advisors and communicate when necessary by SMS, email and the school website.

If you have not been receiving the SMS updates, please email your mobile number(s) and name(s) to

Please note that the ISB campus will remain closed this weekend, except for faculty and staff.

ISB Leadership Team contact details are provided below.


Dr. Andrew Davies
Head of School

ISB Administrator Contact Details
Dr. Andrew Davies
Head of School
081 851 6277

Usa Somboon
081 937 0069

Graeme Scott
Deputy Head of School for Learning
081 806 5884

Kelly Armitage
ES Principal
080 591 1910

Diana Drummond
ES Vice-Principal
085 663 9380

Tom Burgess
MS Principal
081 762 5800

Moe Baron-Toaldo
MS Vice-Principal
085 811 8533

Philip Bradley
HS Principal
089 897 8049

Phil Rogers
Dean of Academics
081 733 0670

Peter Roback
Dean of Students
081 827 2742

Andy Vaughan
Athletics Director
087 514 9550

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