Counselor Newsletter

Ryan Haynes
Grades 9, 10, and 11: Study for exams, get enough sleep, and touch base with teachers regarding final assignments/assessments.

Grade 12:  There are still many Seniors who have not reported their admissions results to their counselors. This is important data; please inform your counselor of your admissions results.

Senior Transition Day is this Monday, May 26. Seniors are to report to the CCT at 7:20 where they will receive their schedule of events for the day.

University Visits

On Tuesday, May 20, the University of Utah, Asia campus (Korea) visited ISB.

Please see the attached article regarding, how to help children cope in unsettling times.

If your child is having difficulty coping with the recent political events here in Thailand, please have him/her meet with their respective grade level counselor.

Thank you,
The High School Counseling Office

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