Cafeteria News…Did You Know…?

…Just like the students at school, the Cafeterias are graded on our performances as well!  Twice yearly, an outside, independent auditor comes unannounced and observes our practices from morning till eve over a 2 day period. This professional auditor, which also check some of the 5 star hotels along with other major food manufacturers, has a long checklist of all kinds of health and hygiene practices whose strict procedures must be met.  On top of this, ISB created an additional, individualized check list adding to the original one, hence ensuring only the best practices are adhered to.  The goal is provide the tools, skills and resources to create and maintain the highest standards of safety and hygiene in food handling according to HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point), the internationally recognized standard for managing food safety.  Most importantly, it is about being held accountable to follow through what has been learned.  At the end of a lengthy 2 day process per inspection, the points are added up and a grade is given.  We are proud to announce that not only is ISB the sole school in Bangkok to be audited in this manner, we further pass with flying colors every time.  This proves the students are not the only ones on campus striving for the best grades.  Enjoy.

About Tina

ES secretary
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