Calendar of Events

May 2014

IMP Recital
Thai Craft Fair
May 19-21 5/Michalski, Perkins & Scott Field Trip to Chanthaburi Mangrove Forest (2 overnights) 7:30am
20-May Food Committee Meeting 9:00 am
PTA Annual General Meeting 6:00 pm
Board of Trustees AGM 7:00 pm
May 21-23 5/Armitage, Cherry, Greenwood & Hahn Field Trip to Chanthaburi Mangrove Forest (2 overnights) 7:30am
22-May Transport Committee Meeting 9:00 am
PTA New Board Transition Lunch 11:00 am
24-May Cub Scout Day Camp & Family BBQ
27-May 1:00 pm Early Dismissal
29-May Girl Scout Bridging
May 29-June 5 Music Share
30-May Lost & Found Display
Board of Trustees Retreat 7:30 am
May 30-31 ASD Performance

About Tina

ES secretary
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