“Welcome to ISB” ….. WELCOME WAI 2014-2015

by  Heather Powell

In preparation for the next school year, the Welcome Wai team is looking to put together a list of willing parents who can share school information with new families to help them acclimate.

The initial point of contact will be the Welcome Wai Coordinators along with School (ES, MS & HS­) and Country Representatives. We are also looking for welcoming parents at our coffee events and / or available to answer questions by email.

This is a very simple volunteer role but key to providing a welcome to new parents. Is this something you would like to be involved with? If yes, please let us know as soon as you can. We look forward to hearing from you very soon (email heather.wyn@gmail.com)

Heather Powell & Rachel Neale

Welcome Wai Coordinators


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