Housing Needed for Scholarship Students

by Andrew DAVIES

Dear ISB Parents,

We are appealing once again for volunteer ISB families to provide housing for HS age scholarship students for the 2014/15 school year.

Host families would be expected to provide food, lodging and some incidental expenses. The ISB Scholarship Fund will take care of uniforms, cafeteria meals, school trips, clothes, school supplies, Montri (if needed) certain other incidentals and transportation costs home for holidays. ISB can help provide alternative housing arrangements when host families travel for long weekends, etc.

Our scholarship program is designed for highly capable Thai students whose families have a demonstrated financial need. Most recently, the scholarship students have come from the northern regions of Thailand. Our hope is to provide a high quality English medium education for these students and assist in securing scholarships to universities.

As you can imagine, this is a wonderful life changing opportunity for the students to be able to study at a school such as ISB and to learn from living with a host family.

If you are interested in volunteering to host one of these students, please complete the Host Family Expression of Interest Form by clicking on this link as soon as possible. If you should have any questions, please contact our Scholarship Program Coordinator, Mr. Tony Arnold at anthonya@isb.ac.th


Dr. Andrew Davies
Head of School

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