(Repeat) For Grade 5 Parents

Counselor Connections – An opportunity for Parents of grade 5 students:

We hope you can join us on Thursday, May 15th, from 9:00-10:00 in the MS Skybox, 3rd floor, for our last Counselor Connection of the school year.  Our focus will be on transitions, a timely topic given that the end of the school year signals a time of change — families moving and students thinking about what the next year and grade will bring.  We will discuss the features of transition and welcome a panel of MS parents who will share stories and advice from their own experiences.  Coffee and pastries will be provided.  Given the limitations of the venue, we can accommodate the first thirty-five parents who RSVP.  The form will close once the spots have been filled.  We hope to see you on May 15th! Please RSVP by completing the form linked here.

Cynthia, Jackie and Ross
Middle School Counselors

About Tina

ES secretary
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