ES eNews for May 9, 2014

May 13 Visaka Bucha Day is a School Day for Teachers and Students

Posted on May 9, 2014 by Tina

Please be informed that Tuesday, May 13, 2014 is NOT a holiday for students and teachers.  School is in session.  It will be a ‘D’ day.

Parent Training Follow-Up

Posted on May 9, 2014 by Tina

Thanks to everyone who attended the Summer Parent Training recently.  Hopefully, you walked away with some tips and resources that will help you support your children this summer.  Sarah and Mary have put the information they shared on their respective blogs. To access the Literacy Keynote, please click on this link.



Tammy Westrick
Elementary Literacy Learning Coach

End of Year Book Return schedule

Posted on May 9, 2014 by Tina

Thank-you for a wonderful year of books and learning in the ES HUB.  Below is the end of year schedule for book check out and returns.  Please start looking on bookshelves, under beds, in cupboards and anywhere else to return books by May 23!

May 22 Last day of Book Check Outs

May 23  ALL books returned to the HUB for End of Year Book inventory

June 6 Resume Summer book checkouts for students with cleared accounts.

Nathaniel Whitman
ES HUB Librarian

ES After School Activities (ASA) Update

Posted on May 9, 2014 by Tina

Most of the ASA are complete but some still remain in session. Please read the information below carefully:

Monday – There is one more session on May 12th.

Tuesday – COMPLETE.

Wednesday  – COMPLETE.

Thursday  – COMPLETE with exception of  Stuffed Toys make up class on May 15th.

Friday – There is one more session on May 16th.

Livnat Ziskinder
ES After School Activities Coordinator

Why Not Teach an After School Activity?

Posted on May 9, 2014 by Tina

Do you sometimes wish you could…  get involved at ISB in a different way? Make a use of your skills and talents by sharing it with others?  Why not teach an After School Activity?

If you’re interested please contact Livnat Ziskinder for more details.  Email or leave a message at the ES office.  Please respond by May15th.

Livnat Ziskinder
ES After School Activities Coordinator

Music News

Posted on May 9, 2014 by Tina

There are many upcoming music events in the month of May! We often receive questions about the different performances, so here is a quick run-down of what your students may be participating in:

ES & MS Strings and Choir Concert – Wednesday, May 14, 6:30pm in Chevron Theater

Students in choir from Grade 3-8 and in orchestra from Grade 4-8 will perform in a joint end-of-the-year evening concert. This is ES Panther Choir and ES Strings’ last performance of the year.

ES Music Assembly – Friday, May 16, 9:30am and 1:00pm – Chevron Theater

The annual music assembly is split into two performances so there is room for parents to attend. Each grade level will give a short performance of something they have done in music this year.

  • 9:30am assembly will include Pre-K, Kindergarten, Grade 1 and Grade 5

  • 1:00pm assembly will include Grade 2, 3, and 4

In this assembly we will sing some new community songs including Count on Me  and  Love is All You Need. The students love these songs.

Music Share – Thursday, May 29-Thursday, June 5, Music Classes – Music Rooms

The Music Share is an informal performance held during music classes the last weeks of school. Students are invited to independently prepare a short piece to perform for an audience. Acts vary greatly – we’ve had everything from magic shows to break dancing, comedians to concert pianists! The performance is voluntary and students who do not perform serve as audience for the event.  Parents and teachers are both invited to attend the Music Share. See the schedule for this year’s Music Share here. Sign-up sheets are found here.

Music Program Selections for Gr. 6 Entry: Opportunities to find out more!

Posted on May 9, 2014 by Tina

Next year, your child will have a choice of Music options (Band, Beginning Strings or Choir)  as part of their Yr. 6 learning program.  There are upcoming opportunities to find out more about these options – please feel free to come along and explore the options available.

1. Beginning String Drive – For Gr 5 Parents

Our MS Beginning String Drive gives your child the opportunity to try out instruments from the stringed family (i.e. Violin, Viola, Cello and Bass).

Date & Time: Saturday, May 17th 2014 between 10.00am and 12.00noon (split by last name)

Last name beginning with A-M – 10:00-11:00am

Last name beginning with N-Z – 11:00-12:00noon.

Location: String Room: 123 in the new Cultural Center Building

Registration Form for this event:  See link here

If May 17 is not possible, please select the box under “Session Options” requesting an individual appointment. I will try to schedule everybody before end of May.

Students will be able to try Violin, Viola, Cello and Bass, taking about 15 mins. The session is not required; however, it will help make the school year start a lot smoother. Also note that if your child currently plays one of these instruments, please answer all questions so we can place your child in the appropriate class.

John Secomb,
Music/String Orchestra Teacher

2. Choir Camp 2014

On Saturday, May 17th from 9am-12pm there will be a Choir Camp here in the CC Building, MS Choir Room (Room 140). All students in Grades 5-7 who are interested in singing in Middle School Choir next year are invited. This is a great opportunity for current and new choir members to meet one another, play games, SING and have fun together! I will also be listening to all singers and placing them in their choir classes for next year. If your child can attend, please sign them up on HERE before 3:00pm on Wednesday, May 14th. Signing up is just for my planning purposes so that I can ensure that each singer has a name-tag, folder and goodie bag. Thanks so much! I am looking forward to working with your children!

Cafeteria News…Did You Know…?

Posted on May 9, 2014 by Tina

…That we make it a top priority to serve chicken at ISB which is FREE of both Antibiotics and Growth Hormones!  Why is this so important for you and your family?  Because long term exposure to antibiotics and hormones, whether taken directly or through another source, actually weaken our immune systems by reducing our bodies’ natural ability to fight infection and bacteria, thus leaving us much more prone to illness.  Furthermore, sources which impact our own hormone balance, in this case with growth hormones in food, can have all sorts of negative side effects for our kids which appear in different ways.  Rest assured knowing your children can enjoy all the healthy chicken items on our menus at school. This is great news considering these dishes are, hands down, some of the school wide favorites!  Enjoy.

(Repeat) For Grade 5 Parents

Posted on May 9, 2014 by Tina

Counselor Connections – An opportunity for Parents of grade 5 students:

We hope you can join us on Thursday, May 15th, from 9:00-10:00 in the MS Skybox, 3rd floor, for our last Counselor Connection of the school year.  Our focus will be on transitions, a timely topic given that the end of the school year signals a time of change — families moving and students thinking about what the next year and grade will bring.  We will discuss the features of transition and welcome a panel of MS parents who will share stories and advice from their own experiences.  Coffee and pastries will be provided.  Given the limitations of the venue, we can accommodate the first thirty-five parents who RSVP.  The form will close once the spots have been filled.  We hope to see you on May 15th! Please RSVP by completing the form linked here.

Cynthia, Jackie and Ross
Middle School Counselors

(Repeat) Bangkok Youth Soccer (BYS) registration for the 2014-2015 season is now open!

Posted on May 9, 2014 by Tina

The season will kick off when we return to school in August. It’s very important that you register as early as possible.  Please DO NOT wait for the last moment to register.  If you know your child will want to take part in BYS please register NOW. Please click here or go to the CAO web page to register.

(Repeat) ES Summer School 2014

Posted on May 9, 2014 by Tina


Registration for ISB’s 2014 Summer school is open!  A great way to boost skills and help your child be ready for the next school year. We have elementary classes available for students in pre-K to grade 5.  An Early Bird special registration is available for all sessions:

·  Session 1:  June 9 – July 4

·  Session 2:  July 7 – July 25

·  Full Session: June 9 – July 25th

Please see our webpage for further information, or please contact the summer school office on 02 963 5812 or

Registration documents are available here.

(Repeat) MS Summer School 2014

Posted on May 9, 2014 by Tina

MS Summer School is open to all students who are presently in Grades 5 to 7 in the 2013-2014 school year.  For general information about the MS Summer School, dates, times, sessions being offered, and costs, please click on the first link below.  For more information about specific program offerings, please click on links 2, 3, and/or 4 below.

1.  General Information
2.  Core Program Offerings
3.  Coding and Robotics Offering
4.  Musical Theatre Camp Offering

(Repeat) If You Know You Are Leaving ISB

Posted on May 9, 2014 by Tina

If you are leaving ISB, we are sorry to see you go!  Please help us prepare for the school year ahead by submitting your official withdrawal form at the ES Office as soon as possible.  Notice of Withdrawal Form.

(Repeat) After School Supervision – Reminder

Posted on May 9, 2014 by Tina

Please ensure you know where your child is each afternoon and that maids and nannies understand ISB policy around supervision after school.  For safety’s sake, ES students MAY NOT be on campus after school unless supervised by an adult. Thank you for your cooperation.

Calendar of Events

Posted on May 9, 2014 by Tina

May 2014

Community Leaders in Action for grades 4 and 5 trip to the Pakkret YWCA, 1:30 pm
13-May Visaka Bucha Day (Holiday for Classified Staff); school in session
14-May Parent Workshop ‘Teaching Happiness’ 8:00-9:00 am (ES MPR)
NaNoWriMo Book Launch 2:30-3:30 pm (Main Library)
ES and MS Strings & Choir Concert 6:30 pm (Chevron)
15-May MS Counselor Connections – An opportunity for Gr. 5 Parents, 9:00-10:00 am (MS Skybox 3rd floor)
16-May ES Music Assembly 9:30 am and 1:00 pm (Chevron)
17-May IMP Recital
Thai Craft Fair
May 19-21 5/Michalski, Perkins & Scott Field Trip to Chanthaburi Mangrove Forest (2 overnights) 7:30am
20-May Food Committee Meeting 9:00 am
PTA Annual General Meeting 6:00 pm
Board of Trustees AGM 7:00 pm
May 21-23 5/Armitage, Cherry, Greenwood & Hahn Field Trip to Chanthaburi Mangrove Forest (2 overnights) 7:30am
22-May Transport Committee Meeting 9:00 am
PTA New Board Transition Lunch 11:00 am
24-May Cub Scout Day Camp & Family BBQ
27-May 1:00 pm Early Dismissal
29-May Girl Scout Bridging
May 29-June 5 Music Share
30-May Lost & Found Display
Board of Trustees Retreat 7:30 am
May 30-31 ASD Performance

About Tina

ES secretary
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