Counselor Newsletter

Kevin Davy

Grades 9 and 10: Study for exams and touch base with teachers regarding final assignments/assessments.

Grade 11: The Juniors completed Junior Seminar #4 May 7 and 8 during either their free periods or Flex. The counselors spoke to the Juniors regarding creating and finalizing their college/university lists and the counselors reviewed the application process. Juniors were also asked to update/edit their activities in Powerschool.

The last Junior University Lab will be this Monday, May 12 during Flex in Rm. 203.

Grade 12: The HS Counseling Office hopes you have done well in your first week of exams.

There are still a few Internship opportunities available through the Summer School program.  Come see Mr. Callahan to find out more and sign up for an enlightening summer experience.

Seniors – 50 seniors have not made their choices for the Senior Transitions Day activities on May 26th.  If they do the survey on Naviance —> About Me —> Senior Transition Choices 2014 (it takes about 5 minutes) they’ll have a great time!  If they don’t, their choices will be made for them.  Which would your son or daughter prefer?

There are still many Seniors who have not reported their admissions results to their counselors. This is important data; please inform your counselor of your admissions results.

College visits

On Thursday, May 8 Australian National University (ANU) visited ISB and next week, ISB will host university representative from the Instituto Europeo di Design Milan (Italy) on Wednesday, May 14 and St. George’s Hospital Medical Center (UK) on Friday, May 16.

Thank you,
The High School Counseling Office

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