Music News

There are many upcoming music events in the month of May! We often receive questions about the different performances, so here is a quick run-down of what your students may be participating in:

ES & MS Strings and Choir Concert – Wednesday, May 14, 6:30pm in Chevron Theater

Students in choir from Grade 3-8 and in orchestra from Grade 4-8 will perform in a joint end-of-the-year evening concert. This is ES Panther Choir and ES Strings’ last performance of the year.

ES Music Assembly – Friday, May 16, 9:30am and 1:00pm – Chevron Theater

The annual music assembly is split into two performances so there is room for parents to attend. Each grade level will give a short performance of something they have done in music this year.

  • 9:30am assembly will include Pre-K, Kindergarten, Grade 1 and Grade 5

  • 1:00pm assembly will include Grade 2, 3, and 4

In this assembly we will sing some new community songs including Count on Me (Grade 2, 3, 4), Zippety Doo Dah (Pre-K, KG, 1 and 5), Love is All You Need (All Grades). The students love these songs.

Music Share – Thursday, May 29-Thursday, June 5, Music Classes – Music Rooms

You may have noticed that we sent home sign up sheets for the Music Share in the Friday folders today.

The Music Share is an informal performance held during music classes the last weeks of school. Students are invited to independently prepare a short piece to perform for an audience. Acts vary greatly – we’ve had everything from magic shows to break dancing, comedians to concert pianists! The performance is voluntary and students who do not perform serve as audience for the event.  Parents and teachers are both invited to attend the Music Share. See the schedule for this year’s Music Share here.

About Tina

ES secretary
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