Cafeteria News…Did You Know…?

Michelle Mueller Ihrig

…About Broccoli?  It is  a veritable goldmine of nutrition, offering a wide range of anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits. Health organizations recommend that we eat broccoli several times a week as part of a balanced diet.  Let’s take a glance at some its’ riches:  Vitamin C – a strong antioxidant which boosts our immune system; Vitamin A – helps maintain healthy skin and fight off infectious disease; Potassium –  promotes optimal brain functioning and a healthy nervous system; Magnesium and Calcium – building strong teeth & bones; Folic Acid – aids in cancer prevention; High in Fiber – supports our digestive system; Flavonoid kaempferol –  an anti-inflammatory that helps fight against cancer and heart disease.  I often hear the younger kids say it looks like a ‘tree’.  It could in fact be dubbed ‘the tree of life’.  Good news that broccoli is available most every day in both cafeterias, either on the main menu or at the salad bar.  Enjoy!

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