HS May Play Performances this week

by Kerri Fitzgerald

Friday May 2nd at 3 pm and Saturday May 3rd at 6:30  in the CCT  – a departure from the usual … two sparkling and  irreverent comedies!
Please note: there is NO RED CARPET event this year.

The HS May play this semester consists of two one-act comedies which HS School students (and adults) will love.  First up is “Blackadder II”, a situation comedy written by Ben Elton (The Young Ones, We will Rock You), and Richard Curtis (Notting Hill, About Time).  It is directed by Mr. Huxtable and Ms Arnold.  The play tells the story of how the witty Lord Blackadder II tries to get into the Queen’s favor by “out-doing” the famous explorer Sir Walter Raleigh.  Blackadder’s plan does not work out the way he had hoped…far from it.  With mad Captain Rum, Lord Percy and his faithful sidekick Baldrick, Blackadder embarks on a journey he will regret.

The second one act play is “This is a Test” by Stephen Griggs.  This is a hysterical look at the stresses caused by an exam taken by HS students.  Alan pulled an all-nighter studying and now he is paying the price. He’s surrounded by cheating classmates, his teacher is out to get him, he can’t answer a single question on the exam, and the people living inside of his brain won’t stop talking.

These two comedies are both 30 minutes long.  Drinks will be served in the interval and before the show.

Performances will be on Friday 2nd May at 3pm and Saturday 3rd May at 6.30pm in the Cultural Centre Theatre.   50 baht for students. 100 baht for Adults.

“With mirth and laughter let old wrinkles come”  Shakespeare

“Never ask for directions in Wales, Baldrick, you’ll be washing spit out of your hair for a fortnight”  Blackadder


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