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MS eNews – Friday, April 25, 2014

Updated MS Calendar of upcoming events:

Saturday, April 26

  • BISAC U13 Softball – boys at SHB, girls at BPS
  • BISAC U13 Volleyball – boys at ISB, girls at TCIS
  • BISAC U15 Volleyball – boys at RIS, girls at NIST

Monday, April 28 – Thursday, May 8

  • MS Art Exhibition

Tuesday, April 29

  • Early Dismissal at 1:00pm

Thursday, May 1

  • May Day (School in session)

Monday, May 5

  • Coronation Day Holiday (No School)

Wednesday, May 7

  • Present Grade 6 and 7 Parent Info Meeting Regarding Grade 7 and 8 Programs for 2014-2015, at 6:30 – 7:30pm in the Chevron Theater

Thursday, May 8

  • MS Parent Walkabout, 12:00 – 1:30pm in the MS Skybox (room 4-309)
  • MS Band Concert at 6:30pm in the Chevron Theater

Saturday, May 10

  • BISAC U15 Softball Invitational at BPS
  • BISAC U 15 Team Tennis (Boys at BPS, Girls at HIS)
  • MS Grade 6 & 7 Social at 5:00 – 7:00pm in the ES Gym, theme is Hawaiian

Tuesday, May 13

  • Visaka Bucha Day (School in session – holiday for Classified Staff)

Wednesday, May 14

  • ES and MS Strings & Choir Concert at 6:30pm in the Chevron Theater

Thursday, May 15

  • MS Play – A Midsummer Night’s Musical at 3:30pm and at 6:30pm in the CCT

Friday, May 16

  • MS Play – A Midsummer Night’s Musical at 6:30pm in the CCT

Saturday, May 17

  • BISAC U15/13/11 Track & Field at SHB and ISB
  • MS Grade 8 Social at 7:00pm (off-campus)

Monday, May 19

  • Grade 8 Annual Trip – all leave after school

Wednesday, May 21

  • Grade 6 and 7 Annual Trips – all leave at 7:30am from ISB

Friday, May 23

  • Grade 8 Annual Trip – all return 7am, no school rest of day
  • Grade 6 and 7 Annual Trips – all return to ISB by 2:00pm



MS Activities and Athletics Weekly Update

Check out some of the highlights that have happened, or will happen soon. For the most up-to-date information, click on the following link: Link to MS Activities and Athletics



Early Dismissal on Tuesday, April 29

A reminder our next scheduled Early Dismissal day is Tuesday, April 29th – all students will be dismissed at 1:00pm.   School buses will leave at 1:15pm.



Present Grade 6 and 7 Parent Info Meeting Regarding Grade 7 & 8 Programs for 2014-2015

Dear Parents of Present 6 and 7th Graders,

We will be holding a parent information meeting regarding the 7th and 8th grade programs for the 2014-15 school year in the middle school and registration procedures with an opportunity for parents to ask questions.  Please join us on Wednesday, May 7 at 6:30-8:00pm in the Chevron Theater.



Join Us for our Last MS Parent Walkabout for 2013-2014 – Thursday, May 8th

Dear MS Parents, you are invited to come see learning in the MS in action!  Our next MS Parent Walkabout of the school year will be on Thursday, May 8 at 12:00 – 1:30pm.  We will begin in the MS Skybox (room 4-309) at 12:00pm for the first 10 minutes for an introduction going over our expectations for parents visiting classrooms.  Parents are then welcome to visit classrooms.  At 1:15pm we will reconvene in the MS Skybox and have an opportunity for a follow-up discussion with the MS Administrators about the MS programs.



U15 Tennis Doubles Tournament

by Panther Tennis, contact:

Panther Tennis is organizing a friendly U-15 doubles tournament for all the ISB students aged 15 and under (12 years, 13 years, 14 years and 15 years old) on Thursday, May 1st at our covered tennis courts from 3:00pm – 5:30pm.

To sign up, please send an email to by Monday, April 28th. If you already have a doubles partner, please state his/her name in your email. Otherwise you can sign up individually and the coaches will pair you with another player on the day of the tournament. Registration starts at 2:30pm on the day of the tournament and there will be a registration fee of 100Baht per player. Beverages will be provided.

Thank You & Regards,

ISB Parent Tennis Committee



HS May Play Performances Coming Soon!    

Tickets go on sale from Friday April 24th for the HS May One Act Plays.

The HS May play this semester consists of two one-act comedies, which MS and HS School students (and adults) will love.  First up is “Blackadder II”, a situation comedy written by Ben Elton (The Young Ones, We will Rock You), and Richard Curtis (Notting Hill, About Time); directed by Mr. Huxtable and Miss Arnold.  The play tells the story of how the witty Lord Blackadder II tries to get into the Queens favor by “out-doing” the famous explorer Sir Walter Raleigh.  Blackadder’s plan does not work out the way he had hoped…far from it.   With mad Captain Rum, Lord Percy and his faithful sidekick Baldrick, Blackadder embarks on a journey he will regret.  Please click here to see the poster.

The second one act play is “This is a Test” by Stephen Griggs.  This is a hysterical look at the stresses caused by an exam taken by HS students.  Alan pulled an all-nighter studying and now he is paying the price – he’s surrounded by cheating classmates, his teacher is out to get him, he can’t answer a single question on the exam, and the people living inside of his brain won’t stop talking.  Please click here to see the poster.

These two comedies are both 30 minutes long.  Drinks will be served in the interval and before the show.

Performances will be on Friday 2nd May at 3pm and Saturday 3rd May at 6:30pm in the Cultural Centre Theatre.  Tickets are 50 baht for students and 100 baht for Adults.

“With mirth and laughter let old wrinkles come” – Shakespeare

“Never ask for directions in Wales, Baldrick, you’ll be washing spit out of your hair for a fortnight” – Blackadder



Cafeteria News…Did You Know…?

…About Broccoli?  It is a veritable goldmine of nutrition, offering a wide range of anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits. In fact, it packs one of the most nutritional punches of any vegetable!  Health organizations recommend that we eat broccoli several times a week as part of a balanced diet.  Let’s take a glance at some its’ riches:  Vitamin C – a strong antioxidant which boosts our immune system; Vitamin A – helps maintain healthy skin and fight off infectious disease; Potassium – promotes optimal brain functioning and a healthy nervous system; Magnesium and Calcium – building strong teeth and bones; Folic Acid – aids in cancer prevention; High in Fiber – supports our digestive system; Flavonoid kaempferol – an anti-inflammatory that helps fight against cancer and heart disease.  I often hear the younger kids say it looks like a ‘tree’.  It could in fact be dubbed ‘the tree of life’.  Good news that broccoli is available most every day in both cafeterias, either on the main menu or at the salad bar.  Enjoy!



Reminder:  Girl Talk Period. – Wednesday 30th April, 18:00 – 19:30, MPB

The PTA is thrilled to sponsor Girl Talk Period.  This talk was first developed for the ISB swim team, and has grown by popular demand.  This presentation supports ISB’s mainstream health curriculum on Human Growth and Development and extends it to reach younger girls.  All girls from Grade 4 and up are invited to come along to this presentation with a parent.

Louise Saddington is a Learning Support teacher at ISB.  She also has a Masters of Human Nutrition, and is a registered nutritionist with the Nutrition Society of Australia.  Louise will open our evening with knowledge and suggestions for adolescent nutrition, highlighting the special needs of females during this stage.  During the break, Louise will have nutritious snacks for girls to sample and recipes that can be taken home.

Kristin Simpson is a nurse and received her Bachelor of Nursing in the US.  Kristin will lead discussions about female health and development.  Topics that will be included will be sleep, moodiness and menstrual management.  Please contact Kristen Garrett ( with any questions.  To sign up for this presentation please click here.



Reminder:  Leaving ISB End of This Semester?

If you are leaving ISB before, or end of this semester, please contact Khun Fon in the MS Office at – she will send you the ISB Withdraw Form that needs to be completed in order for her to get your child’s school records ready for his/her next school.



Reminder:  Information – MS Summer School, 2014

MS Summer School is open to all students who are presently in Grades 5 to 7 in the 2013-2014 school year.  For general information about the MS Summer School, dates, times, sessions being offered, and costs, please click on the first link below.  For more information about specific program offerings, please click on links 2, 3, and/or 4 below.

1.  General Information

2.  Core Program Offerings

3.  Coding and Robotics Offering

4.  Musical Theatre Camp Offering

If your child is presently in 8th grade and is interested in attending summer school, please use the following link to see summer school information for the other divisions:  ISB Summer School –

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