ISB Book Awards

Over the past three weeks, students in the ES have been selecting commonly loved books to earn our ISB ES Book Award for 2014. These books all reflect the “caring global citizens” part of our ISB Mission statement. One title for each grade level has been selected from the nominations.  On Monday, we will celebrate these books and unveil the titles.  Stop by our ES HUB to enjoy the books and our “AWARD WINNING” decorations!!!

As part of our ISB Book Celebration, students may dress up as a “caring global citizen” book character on their out-of-uniform day next Thursday or Friday. They can choose to dress like any favorite book character who exemplifies the idea of being a caring, global citizen. Please note that toy weapons and any other props that would distract from learning are not allowed.  Students who choose to dress up are encouraged to come to the HUB with the book that inspired their costume and take a photo in the Red Carpet Photo Booth.

About Tina

ES secretary
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