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Principal’s Forum
Philip Bradley

The principal’s forum met for the last time this year at the beginning of April. The principal’s forum provides a valuable venue for robust and healthy conversations to take place and I would like to thank all parents who have attended these meetings and the parent committee that works for many hours prior to each meeting.

This link allows you to access the April meeting notes and audio file.





Counselor Newsletter
Kevin Davy

Grade 12
It’s not too early to start organizing for Exams!!!  Students should be getting all their paperwork in order!

US Visas for Non- US Citizens
On Wednesday April 23 a representative from the U.S Embassy walked through the process of non-us citizens applying for a U.S visa. This was a very successful session with valuable information shared.

Please let us know…

Application results are coming in! Please remind your child to come by to see their counselor about their application decisions so we can keep track of them.  Also, encourage your child to thank the teachers who wrote a letter of recommendation for him/her!

University Deposits – Seniors please be aware of university deadlines for securing a place for their incoming class. Many Universities will have a May 1st deadline, please check with your prospective universities. Please see your counselor with any questions or complications.

Sign Up Now for Senior Transition Day – On May 26th all Grade 12 students will be involved with our Senior Transition Day. This is a day dedicated sharing valuable information and golden nugget insight with students about the transition to college life. Seniors should be sure to sign up for the sessions they would like to attend. If students do sign up, then they will be guaranteed a spot in that session. If they do not sign up, then they will be placed in sessions for the day.

Parent Transitions Meeting / Presentation

This presentation for parents will be an opportunity for counselors to discuss the transition for the family when a son or daughter enters college life. There will also be a parent panel to receive questions and share their experiences of when their son or daughter took this next step. This will take place in Room 203 at 9 am, April 30th.

Grade 11
One Last Open Lab remaining:
Mondays April 28 from 2:15-3:00 in room 203.  Juniors are encouraged to come to the session to work on their university research.  A counselor will be present to support their research and answer questions.

Please take advantage of this opportunity!!!


It’s not too early to start organizing for Exams!!!  Students should be getting all their paperwork in order!

Summer Internship
Students who are interested in doing a summer internship through ISB (June 9-19) need to complete a one-minute survey on Naviance to express their interest.  Go to Naviance –> About Me –> Summer Internship 2014 (upper left of page).  Students who complete the survey will get preference for internships. Please see Mr. Callahan with any further questions.

University Visits

Babson College, MA April 23 10:20
City University of Hong Kong April 23 10:20
University of Dundee (Scotland) April 24 10:20
Virtual Fair – University of Melbourne



May 1 7 PM


2013/ 2014 University Applications at a Glance

As of 24 April 2014,

  • 157 Seniors have applied to university
  • 132 Seniors have been accepted to one or more of their universities
  • 283 Applications have been denied
  • 523 Applications have been accepted

Please Welcome our New Counselors
As you may well be aware, two of our esteemed counselors Dr. Curtis and Ms. McDowell will not be with us next school year. Dr. Curtis will be retiring and Ms. McDowell will be relocating to Buenos Aires, Argentina.

On May 1st at 2:30 in room 203, parents who currently have Ms. McDowell or Dr. Curtis as their son or daughter’s counselor are invited to meet their new counselor for next year. Ms. Jackie Venezuela will be replacing Dr. Curtis and Ms. Jennifer Melton will be replacing Ms. McDowell.

Please drop in to welcome them both to ISB. This will be an informal meet and greet social event. Hope to see you there.



HS May Play Performances this week! 
Kerri Fitzgerald

Tickets go on sale from Friday April 24th for the HS May One Act Plays.

The HS May play this semester consists of two one-act comedies which HS School students (and adults) will love.  First up is “Blackadder II”, a situation comedy written by Ben Elton (The Young Ones, We will Rock You), and Richard Curtis (Notting Hill, About Time).  It is directed by Mr. Huxtable and Miss Arnold.  The play tells the story of how the witty Lord Blackadder II tries to get into the Queens favor by “out-doing” the famous explorer Sir Walter Raleigh.  Blackadder’s plan does not work out the way he had hoped…far from it.   With mad Captain Rum, Lord Percy and his faithful sidekick Baldrick, Blackadder embarks on a journey he will regret.

The second one act play is “This is a Test” by Stephen Griggs.  This is a hysterical look at the stresses caused by an exam taken by HS students.  Alan pulled an all-nighter studying and now he is paying the price. He’s surrounded by cheating classmates, his teacher is out to get him, he can’t answer a single question on the exam, and the people living inside of his brain won’t stop talking.

These two comedies are both 30 minutes long.  Drinks will be served in the interval and before the show.

Performances will be on Friday 2nd May at 3pm and Saturday 3rd May at 6.30pm in the Cultural Centre Theatre.   50 baht for students. 100 baht for Adults.

“With mirth and laughter let old wrinkles come”  Shakespeare

“Never ask for directions in Wales, Baldrick, you’ll be washing spit out of your hair for a fortnight”  Blackadder




Kerri Fitzgerald

This Saturday, April 26th,  a HS chess team of 6 players will play in an invitational online Chess tournament involving some of the IASAS schools. President Anuka King and sponsor Neil Lewin are to be thanked for their efforts in getting the team ready. An outside coach provided extra tuition as this is the first time we have participated in such a tournament. We wish them the best in what will be an intense morning and cross fingers hoping there will not be a power outage!



HS Summer School
James Fitzgerald

We are excited to announce this year’s Summer School. Program. The First Session of Summer School will run from June 9 through July 4. The Second Session will run from July 7 through July 25. The Full Session will run from June 9 through July 25. For information concerning the courses being offered and tuition please refer to the Summer School Page found on The International School Bangkok’s website:

The Summer School Office is located at the top of the Zig-Zag. Our phone number is 02-963-5812; our fax is 02- 960-4110. Our email is, and the Summer School’s website is



2014 GRADUATION Bulletin Board Photos: Seniors & Parents
Kevin Sypolt

Please help celebrate ISB Senior’s Graduation and contribute photos of your Graduate to the HS Graduation Committee.  The Photos are the most important aspect of the Graduation Bulletin Board decorations.

Bulletin Board Topics

Diaper to Diplomas:  (Giggles to Graduation) Submit baby, toddler and childhood photos and a recent photo of your senior.  How our seniors have grown and changed over the years is great fun for classmates and parents.

Senior Memories:  Submit photos of your senior participating in ISB School events, teams, clubs, holiday parties, trips, GCW trips and just hanging with family and friends.

13-year students at ISB:  This Board celebrates the seniorswho have attended ISB for all 13 years of school.  Submit a variety of photos that represent your senior during the 13 years of attending school at ISB.

Photos can be dropped in the Graduation Photo Collection Box during school hours at the ISB High School Office.  Your photos should be in an envelope.  Please identify on the envelope the board for which you are submitting the photos and included your senior’s name.   The Collection File box will remain in the HS Office until Friday, May 9th.  You may submit to as many Bulletin Boards as you would like.  Please note that these photos will NOT be returned to you so please submit copies of your photographs.

Your participation and enthusiasm is appreciated.




Cafeteria News…Did You Know…?
Michelle Mueller Ihrig

…About Broccoli?  It is  a veritable goldmine of nutrition, offering a wide range of anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits. In fact, it packs one of the most nutritional punches of any vegetable!  Health organizations recommend that we eat broccoli several times a week as part of a balanced diet.  Let’s take a glance at some its’ riches:  Vitamin C – a strong antioxidant which boosts our immune system; Vitamin A – helps maintain healthy skin and fight off infectious disease; Potassium –  promotes optimal brain functioning and a healthy nervous system; Magnesium and Calcium – building strong teeth & bones; Folic Acid – aids in cancer prevention; High in Fiber – supports our digestive system; Flavonoid kaempferol –  an anti-inflammatory that helps fight against cancer and heart disease.  I often hear the younger kids say it looks like a ‘tree’.  It could in fact be dubbed ‘the tree of life’.  Good news that broccoli is available most every day in both cafeterias, either on the main menu or at the salad bar.  Enjoy!



eNewsletter Guidelines
Tony Arnold

ISB eNewsletters provide a valuable avenue for communication within the ISB parent community. For your convenience we have provided you with our eNewsletter guidelines below.

Submitting an announcement for publication
ISB accepts announcements from ISB families for potential publication in our eNewsletters. The announcements are generally intended to highlight events that occur at ISB and/or highlight information about ISB.

What to include in the announcement
• A title for your announcement
• An email contact for further information

Where to submit your announcement
is for announcements of interest to the entire ISB community. is for Elementary School (ES) announcements of interest to ES families. is for Middle School (MS) announcements of interest to MS families. is for High School (HS) announcements of interest to HS families.

Your announcement will be submitted to the appropriate Principal and/or to our Marketing Director for review. ISB reserves the right to determine which announcements will and will not be published, and to edit announcements that are approved for publication.

Frequency of eNewsletter mailings
The ISB eNewsletter that is for the entire community is sent out on Thursdays. Announcements for potential publication in this newsletter must be received by noon on Thursdays.

The ES, MS, and HS eNewsletters are sent out on Fridays. Announcements for potential publication in these newsletters must be received by noon on Fridays.


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