High School Principal Forum: April 3rd, 2014

ISB High School Principal Forum – April 3rd 2014

Topics Covered include:

  1. HS withholding report cards for students with unresolved issues (library overdue, etc)
  2. End of semester exam schedule (w/2 post-exam course/grade review days built in)
  3. Parent/Teacher Conferences
  4. Students applying to colleges outside of the United States.
  5. Opportunities for 9th graders to improve their study/writing skills – even for average students
  6. GCW Trips (in general) and the Borneo trip (in particular)
  7. Teacher’s Haiku pages
  8. Teacher/Parent Emails
  9. Smart Boards, laptops, and other media
  10. School Absence Policy
  11. 10th Grade Course Selection Evening
  12. Access to Student Photos
  13. Mandatory Thai Language Class for Thai Students
  14. PE Department Review Update
  15. Thai ROTC Program Follow-Up
  16. HS Student Lack of Sleep

Link to Forum Notes.

Link to the Principal Forum Podcast. (unfortunately the audio is very quiet – we have addressed this issue for next time. – Apologies)

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