MS eNews – Friday, April 11, 2014
Updated MS Calendar of upcoming events:
Monday – Friday, April 14 – 18
- ISB closed for Songkran & Spring Holidays
Tuesday, April 22
- MS Earth Week Assembly at 1:20pm in the Chevron Theater
Friday, April 25
- MS Alternate Dress Day
Saturday, April 26
- BISAC U13 Softball – boys at SHB, girls at BPS
- BISAC U13 Volleyball – boys at ISB, girls at TCIS
- BISAC U15 Volleyball – boys at RIS, girls at NIST
Monday, April 28 – Thursday, May 8
- MS Art Exhibition
Tuesday, April 29
- Early Dismissal at 1:00pm
Thursday, May 1
- May Day (School in session)
Monday, May 5
- Coronation Day Holiday (No School)
Thursday, May 8
- MS Parent Walkabout, 12:00 – 1:30pm in the MS Skybox (room 4-309)
- MS Band Concert at 6:30pm in the Chevron Theater
Saturday, May 10
- BISAC U15 Softball Invitational at BPS
- BISAC U 15 Team Tennis (Boys at BPS, Girls at HIS)
- MS Grade 6 & 7 Social at 5:00 – 7:00pm in the ES Gym, theme is Hawaiian