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MS eNews – Friday, April 11, 2014

Updated MS Calendar of upcoming events:

Monday – Friday, April 14 – 18

  • ISB closed for Songkran & Spring Holidays

Tuesday, April 22

  • MS Earth Week Assembly at 1:20pm in the Chevron Theater

Friday, April 25

  • MS Alternate Dress Day

Saturday, April 26

  • BISAC U13 Softball – boys at SHB, girls at BPS
  • BISAC U13 Volleyball – boys at ISB, girls at TCIS
  • BISAC U15 Volleyball – boys at RIS, girls at NIST

Monday, April 28 – Thursday, May 8

  • MS Art Exhibition

Tuesday, April 29

  • Early Dismissal at 1:00pm

Thursday, May 1

  • May Day (School in session)

Monday, May 5

  • Coronation Day Holiday (No School)

Thursday, May 8

  • MS Parent Walkabout, 12:00 – 1:30pm in the MS Skybox (room 4-309)
  • MS Band Concert at 6:30pm in the Chevron Theater

Saturday, May 10

  • BISAC U15 Softball Invitational at BPS
  • BISAC U 15 Team Tennis (Boys at BPS, Girls at HIS)
  • MS Grade 6 & 7 Social at 5:00 – 7:00pm in the ES Gym, theme is Hawaiian



MS Activities and Athletics Weekly Update

Check out some of the highlights that have happened, or will happen soon. For the most up-to-date information, click on the following link: Link to MS Activities and Athletics



School Closed for Holidays…

A reminder ISB will be closed Saturday, April 12th to Sunday, April 20th for the Songkran Holidays and ISB Spring Holidays.  Best wishes to all for a safe and enjoyable holiday!



Greetings Fellow Book Lovers

By Alegria Barclay, MS Librarian

I hope you’re all happily gearing up for a relaxing break next week! In honor of Songkran, I thought I’d select books where water plays an integral part in the story or is key to the theme in some way. I’ve tried to include a wide range of genres and styles to pique everyone’s interest…enjoy!

The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman:  For those of you who are Gaiman fans, this novel fits pleasingly within his larger canon and will appeal to readers of both his comics and adult novels. If you’ve never read Gaiman before, than dive into a world woven out of half-forgotten dreams, ancient mythologies, a hint of darkness, and a healthy dose of magical realism. The Ocean at the End of the Lane is, on the surface, a story of a middle-aged man returning home for a funeral where he finds himself drifting into memories of his childhood. On a deeper level, it is very much about childhood and innocence lost and the ways in which we bury the past. A quietly thrilling read…

To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf:  Considered by many to be one of the top 100 books ever written, this modernist masterpiece is one of Woolf’s most famous books. Set on the Isle of Skye, the novel unfolds over a decade and follows the interconnected lives of the Ramsey family and their group of friends. It falls somewhere in between prose and poetry and is told through numerous points of view that blend beautifully together. In some ways, the narration mirrors the ebb and flow of the ocean and is reminiscent of the the more intimate rise and fall of our thoughts.

The Captain’s Verses by Pablo Neruda:  Is there any book of poetry that better captures the ferocity of first love? Perhaps not. Written while Neruda was exiled on the island of Capri, this slender book of poetry describes in passionate detail his intense love for his future wife, Matilde. At turns agonized, erotic, and breath-taking, The Captain’s Verses returns continually to the sea as metaphor for Matilde and the hold she has over him.

The Wild Places by Robert McFarlane:  This is quite simply one of the most inspiring and unusual books I’ve read in a great while. Haunting and evocative, this philosophical travelogue explores the last wild places left in England and Ireland. McFarlane took it upon himself to journey to the far reaches of the islands in search of wildness–traveling through salt marshes, cliffs, moors, and lonely beaches. I can’t describe how stunning his prose is or how much this book will make you long for a moment to simply be in nature in all its glorious wilderness.

The Encyclopedia of Early Earth by Isabel Greenberg:  A strikingly illustrated fable turned graphic novel of the long-forgotten early history of Earth. It follows the story of one young man who paddles from the North Pole to the South Pole where he encounters his soulmate. Unfortunately, their respective birthplaces means that they cannot touch each other due to polar magnetization. Sounds bizarre? It is and delightfully so! Don’t believe me? It’s one of TIME’s best fiction books of 2013 and one of NPR’s Great Reads of 2013.

Endurance: Shackleton’s Incredible Voyage by Alfred Lansing:  And now for some non-fiction! Many are perhaps already aware of Shackleton’s incredible story of survival and sheer force of will.  But, if you’re not or have never read a narrative account of it than this is the book for you! In 1914, Shackeleton attempted to cross the Antartic overland but his ship, the Endurance, was destroyed. Shackleton and his crew miraculously and heroically survived in arguably one of the most inhospitable places on Earth for over five months.  The story is stranger than fiction and well worth a read.

If you’d like to read more stories that deal with the theme of water, check out the Guardian’s collection of Water Short Stories written by some of today’s best writers



Reminder:  Girl Talk Period. – Wednesday 30th April, 18:00 – 19:30, MPB

The PTA is thrilled to sponsor Girl Talk Period.  This talk was first developed for the ISB swim team, and has grown by popular demand.  This presentation supports ISB’s mainstream health curriculum on Human Growth and Development and extends it to reach younger girls.  All girls from Grade 4 and up are invited to come along to this presentation with a parent.

Louise Saddington is a Learning Support teacher at ISB.  She also has a Masters of Human Nutrition, and is a registered nutritionist with the Nutrition Society of Australia.  Louise will open our evening with knowledge and suggestions for adolescent nutrition, highlighting the special needs of females during this stage.  During the break, Louise will have nutritious snacks for girls to sample and recipes that can be taken home.

Kristin Simpson is a nurse and received her Bachelor of Nursing in the US.  Kristin will lead discussions about female health and development.  Topics that will be included will be sleep, moodiness and menstrual management.  Please contact Kristen Garrett ( with any questions.  To sign up for this presentation please click here.



Reminder:  Leaving ISB End of This Semester?

If you are leaving ISB before, or end of this semester, please contact Khun Fon in the MS Office at – she will send you the ISB Withdraw Form that needs to be completed in order for her to get your child’s school records ready for his/her next school.


Reminder:  Information – MS Summer School, 2014

MS Summer School is open to all students who are presently in Grades 5 to 7 in the 2013-2014 school year.  For general information about the MS Summer School, dates, times, sessions being offered, and costs, please click on the first link below.  For more information about specific program offerings, please click on links 2, 3, and/or 4 below.

1.  General Information

2.  Core Program Offerings

3.  Coding and Robotics Offering

4.  Musical Theatre Camp Offering

If your child is presently in 8th grade and is interested in attending summer school, please use the following link to see summer school information for the other divisions:  ISB Summer School –

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