Girl Talk Period. – Wednesday 30th April, 18:00 – 19:30, MPB

The PTA is thrilled to sponsor Girl Talk Period.  This talk was first developed for the ISB swim team, and has grown by popular demand.  This presentation supports ISB’s mainstream health curriculum on Human Growth and Development and extends it to reach younger girls.  All girls from Grade 4 and up are invited to come along to this presentation with a parent.

Louise Saddington will facilitate part of the evening. Louise is a Learning Support teacher in our elementary school.  She also has a Masters of Human Nutrition, and is a registered nutritionist with the Nutrition Society of Australia.  Louise will open our evening with knowledge and suggestions for adolescent nutrition, highlighting the special needs of females during this stage.  During the break, Louise will have nutritious snacks for girls to sample and recipes that can be taken home

Kristin Simpson will lead discussions about female health and development. Kristin is a nurse, and received her Bachelor of Nursing in the US.   Topics that will be included will be sleep, moodiness and menstrual management.  Please contact Kristen Garrett ( with any questions.  To sign up for this presentation please click here.

About Tina

ES secretary
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