Earth Week awaits us upon our return from break. What’s in it for you?

by Kerry DYKE

Every year Earth Week gets us to think about everyday choices.  It is also a launching pad for many of our initiatives that now seem ‘oh so common’, but were one time considered controversial or even untouchable.  Earth Week has created several eco changes in ISB over the years.

What is the focus this year?  What might change? How might the community be affected?  Find out here

As well, we have over 15 presenters coming to our school to teach about

  • Aquaponics, worm composting, organic farming.
  • Overfishing, sharks, wildlife trafficing, wildlife photography, elephant intelligence, and more.
  • Food energy, Food waste, and Villa our food supplier will work with us to become more sustainable.

If you would like to attend any Daily Assembly from 1:20 – 2:00 every day please join us.  If you want to attend a particular session that is not an assembly please email me first at


Earth Week Presenter sign up – Presenter Descriptions

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