ISB Communication Single Page View

Calendar Survey for 2015/16

by Dr. Andrew Davies

Dear ISB Community,

When we set the school calendar on an annual basis, we ask for input from a parent committee, a faculty group and classified staff representatives.

Periodically (every 6 or so years), we survey the wider school community to get additional input and to make sure we are in sync with community wishes. Parents, students (a sample), teachers and Classified Staff will be surveyed.

As the Leadership Team prepares for the 2015/16 school calendar, we would be grateful if you could complete this brief survey. Please click here.

When making your selections, please consider the impact your choice may have on student learning and student/staff wellness.

Thank you very much for your cooperation.


Host families needed for ISB’s Scholarship Program

by Dr. Andrew Davies
Head of School

Dear ISB Parents,

For the 2014/15 school year, ISB will be accepting additional students as part of our scholarship program. This program is designed for highly capable Thai students whose families have a demonstrated financial need. The students will be enrolled in our High School in August 2014.

We are now looking for volunteers to provide housing for these students for the 2014/15 school year. Ideally we are seeking host families that:

Live close to ISB

Speak English at home

Have a spare bedroom

Have a HS child

Would enjoy the experience of housing a scholarship student

Host families would be expected to provide food, lodging and some incidental expenses. The ISB Scholarship Fund would take care of uniforms, cafeteria meals, school trips, some clothes, school supplies, certain other incidentals and transportation costs home for holidays.

If you are interested in volunteering to host one of these students, please complete the Host Family Expression of Interest Form by clicking on this link by April 11, 2014. If you should have any questions, please contact our Scholarship Program Coordinator, Mr. Tony Arnold at

All families who submit an Interest Form will be contacted to arrange an appointment for an interview.


Dr. Andrew Davies


What is a Trustee?

by: Joy Davy
Chair, Committee on Trustees

What is a Trustee?

Still undecided whether to be a candidate for the upcoming BOT elections? Join us and let us help you make your minds up. Prospective candidates are strongly urged to attend the information sessions on “What is a Trustee?” on Wednesday, April 9 at 7:30 am and 6:30 pm at the MPB3.

Of course, everyone in the community is invited as well. Come and get an idea of what those 15 men and women in the BOT actually do.

Please be reminded that the deadline for the submission of BOT Nomination Forms (attachment on the right) is Friday, April 11, 2014 at 12 noon. Please submit them by email to and the hard copy with Khun Oor at the Head of School’s office.

For more information, please contact Joy Davy at 0879336062 or



What on earth was my child thinking? – April 4th Parent Workshop

by Cory Fox

What on earth was my child thinking?

A look into the brain of an ISB student. Please join Deputy Head of Learning Graeme Scott on Friday April 4th at 8:00am in MPB 2 & 3 for a workshop that looks into the way your children think. Learn about the most recent scientific research and find practical ways you can help your children learn. We will explore how kids (and adults) think, learn, remember and plan. We will look at issues such as sleep, motivation, emotion and the impact of drugs on the brain. Coffee and snacks will be provided by the ISB PTA. The workshop will run around 1 hour and then there will be time for questions and discussion after. We hope you can join us for this exciting and enlightening workshop.


Elder Care Advocacy Week – Product Drive is on now!

by Kerri Fitzgerald

ELDER CARE ADVOCACY WEEK- PRODUCT DRIVE: This week  is Elder Care club’s advocacy week. We will gather donations to be delivered to a poor elderly reception home here in Nonthaburi. This product drive is for toiletry items, anything from toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, liquid detergent, shampoos, to adult diapers are desperately needed. The people of this home do not have access to these basic human necessities, and our club wants to help bring positive changes into these peoples’ lives. Donation boxes can be found in the CAO office. Please bring items in to us by the end of the school day on April 4th  so that they can be delivered promptly. Thank you!”

Piano Festival this Saturday April 5th

by  Kerri Fitzgerald

New at ISB this Saturday is our first ever Piano Festival featuring professional adjudications for pianists at any level. Please come by the high school choir room CC #8-139 from 9:00 to 11:00 to hear some outstanding performances by students young and old. Admission is free.

Faculty Follies Returns! Friday April 25th at 3 pm

by  Kerri Fitzgerald

Faculty have spent many hours preparing acts for Faculty Follies Returns have spent considerable time getting their fun filled skits some time getting ready for this amazing show for this incredibly funny showcase  … spectacle.

The organizers feel they must warn you again that this show is not suitable for children, adults or any sort of humans. There are absolutely NO guarantees of artistic merit and tickets are NOT refundable.

Tickets (100 THB) on sale Tuesday April 8th  from the ES office before school and HS/ MS cafeteria at lunchtimes

All proceeds go to the foundation After the Wave.


15th Colgate Kids Triathlon registration is open!

by Kevin Sypolt

The 15th Annual Colgate Kids Triathlon is just around the corner. The race will take place on Monday, May 5th (Coronation Day) at 7:30AM starting at the two ISB pools. It’s shaping up to be an incredible event! Again this year the triathletes will receive timing chips to wear around their ankles for accurate time and distance recording. The Relay Race will again allow relay teams in each age division (based upon the oldest participant in the relay team), so athletes can form teams of three people to participate together. One of the relay team members can be a teacher or other adult this year.

The distances this year will be:

5-6: 50m swim, 1 km bike, 450m run (no relay team permitted for this distance)

7-8: 100m swim, 2.5 km bike, 800m run

9-10: 150m swim, 4.5 km bike, 1.2 km run

11-12: 200m swim, 4.5 km bike, 1.7 km run

13-14: 250m swim, 6.8 km bike, 2.4 km run

15+ : 350m swim, 9.1 km bike, 3.1 km run

Registration will close on Monday, April 28th. No late registrations will be permitted so make sure you register before the close date! The fee per participant is THB 500 (THB 1,500 for relay teams). All participants will receive a water bottle, towel and race bag.

All registrations must provide one volunteer to help on race day or pay a THB 2,000 (no volunteer fee)

Please note that all bike riders must have their own bicycle and must wear a helmet.

More information and the registration link can be found at our Kids Triathlon website:




 Staff Appreciation – Thank You Volunteers


by Jo & Grant McGregor


Staff Appreciation Lunch – unnamed plates in PTA office

by Jo & Grant McGregor

Staff Appreciation Lunch – Over 40 dishes of sweet, savory and salads were made by parents for the Staff Appreciation lunch, the ISB staff completely ravished these home cooked meals!!

Most of the plates have been returned however there are quite a few unnamed plates still in the PTA office for collection.

Again thank you for volunteering 

Jo McGregor
PTA Hospitality


Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon – May 7th

by Tony Arnold

Dear Parents,

Each year ISB’s administration hosts a Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon for the many, many parents who spend countless hours helping to make our school a better place for our students. Whether you’ve donated one hour or hundreds of hours, this luncheon is for you.

This year’s luncheon will take place on May 7th from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm at the Double Tree Hilton Hotel Sukhumvit. We will be providing a number of vans to take parents from ISB to the luncheon and return them to ISB at the conclusion of the event. To reserve your place in one of the vans please complete the form at the following link by May 2nd: Van Transportation Reservation

We hope to see you there!

eNewsletter Guidelines

by Tony Arnold

ISB eNewsletters provide a valuable avenue for communication within the ISB parent community. For your convenience we have provided you with our eNewsletter guidelines below.

Submitting an announcement for publication
ISB accepts announcements from ISB families for potential publication in our eNewsletters. The announcements are generally intended to highlight events that occur at ISB and/or highlight information about ISB.

What to include in the announcement
• A title for your announcement
• An email contact for further information

Where to submit your announcement
is for announcements of interest to the entire ISB community. is for Elementary School (ES) announcements of interest to ES families. is for Middle School (MS) announcements of interest to MS families. is for High School (HS) announcements of interest to HS families.

Your announcement will be submitted to the appropriate Principal and/or to our Marketing Director for review. ISB reserves the right to determine which announcements will and will not be published, and to edit announcements that are approved for publication.

Frequency of eNewsletter mailings
The ISB eNewsletter that is for the entire community is sent out on Thursdays. Announcements for potential publication in this newsletter must be received by noon on Thursdays.

The ES, MS, and HS eNewsletters are sent out on Fridays. Announcements for potential publication in these newsletters must be received by noon on Fridays.




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