Busy Two Weeks Ahead

Peter Roback

As we approach Songkran holidays, please note some key events coming up in the High School.

  • Tuesday, April 2 – HS Band and String concert at 6:30 pm in the Chevron Theater.
  • From March 26 to April 10 – HS IB Art Show.  Check out the art work of our students
  • Thursday, April 3 – HS Day of Silence.  Students who wish to participate will remain silent all day as a show of solidarity to those who are oppressed and not given a voice in their societies.
  • Friday, April 4 –  Thai Food Fair in the school cafeteria.
  • Friday, April 4 – Black and Gold Assembly, honoring our 3rd Season athletes who will be traveling to IASAS Championships on Wednesday, April 9.
  • Monday, April 7 – Professional Development day for teachers.  No School for students.
  • Tuesday, April 8 – Songkran and International Assembly at 1:10 pm.
  • School will be closed from April 14 to April 18 for the Songkran Holidays.  Students return on April 21 (Day 1).

For up to date information on the school calendar, always use the online calendar which can be found at:  https://inside.isb.ac.th/parentportal/isb-calendar/

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