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HS PTA meeting Thursday 27th March
Philip Bradley

Please join us for our next PTA meeting at 9:00 AM in the MPB, the agenda will include:

Information from HS counselling regarding purposeful summer activities for college preparation, comments on the admissions process this year and a review of the global nature of our students’ applications.

Trending – observations regarding learning spaces in schools






Counselor Newsletter
Andrew Weiser

Course Registration is OPEN!!!  Students need to register by the end of the day on Monday, March 24.  Registration is completed through Power School

Thank You Parents!!  We had a great turn out for the Parent / Teacher conferences last Friday.  Please remember, teachers and counselors are available through email and scheduled appointments.

Grade 9
Please be sure to contact Mr. Davy if there are any questions about course registration.

Grade 10
Please be sure to contact your son or daughter’s counselor if there are any questions about course registration.

Grade 11
Junior Conferences are past due.  There are few juniors that have not set the appointment with their counselor.  Please ask your child if he/she still needs to complete the work and turn it in to Khun Vannee in the High School Counseling Office.  Once that is done, the student can then make the appointment for their Junior Conference with the counselor and his/her parents.

University Lab started on Monday, 3 March, and will be open each Monday through April 28 from 2:15-3:00 in room 203.  Juniors are encouraged to come to the session to work on their university research.  A counselor will be present to support their research and answer questions.

Grade 12
It’s not too early to start organizing for Exams!!!  Students should be getting all their paperwork in order!

Application results are coming in! Please remind your child to come by to see their counselor about their application decisions so we can keep track of them.  Also, encourage your child to thank the teachers who wrote a letter of recommendation for him/her!  See below article “The Waiting Game.”

Summer Internship

Students who are interested in doing a summer internship through ISB (June 9-19) need to complete a one-minute survey on Naviance to express their interest.  Go to Naviance –> About Me –> Summer Internship 2014 (upper left of page).  Students who complete the survey will get preference for internships.

University Visits
Imperial College London                                             March 25
King’s College London                                                  March 25
University College London                                          March 25
Regent’s University London                                        March 25
SOAS London                                                                March 25
The State University of New York (Korea)              March 25
University of Bath                                                       March 26
University of Exeter                                                    March 26
University of Warwick                                                March 26
Durham University                                                      March 27
Australian Mini Fair                                                     March 28
Café La Trobe University                                            March 28
Macquarie University                                                  March 28
University of New South Wales                                  March 28
University of Newcastle                                               March 28
The University of Queensland                                     March 28
|University of Sydney                                                    March 28
Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University                            March 28
Savannah College of Art and Design Hong Kong        March 28
Other Off Campus Opportunities:

1) British Council Thailand is holding its annual Education UK Exhibition on Saturday-Sunday 29 – 30 March 2014, 11.00 – 18.00 hrs. The exhibition this year will include over 94 institutions including universities and colleges from the UK. Aside from the Exhibition, there will be other events including seminars on Undergraduate Degrees in the UK, Scholarship information, UK visa application, IELTS Speaking practice, and IELTS workshops. Where?  Seminar Room 1 and 2, Royal Paragon Hall, 5th Floor, Siam Paragon. For the programme of seminar, please visit

2) World Class Study UK

Pinnacle 4 – 6, Intercontinental Hotel B

Scheduled program 29/30 March 12:00 Introduction to Imperial College London 12:30 Introduction to King’s College London 13:00 Introduction to SOAS 13:30 Introduction to UCL 14:00 Postgraduate Application and Selection 14:30 Introduction to UCAS 15:00 Business, Management and Economics 15:30 Engineering 16:00 Law 16:30 Medicine and Biomedical Sciences

Be sure to check Naviance regularly to see the up to date information as it changes often!

The Waiting Game
Dr. Brian Harke

Each year, high school seniors spend the month of March in a nail-biting, gut-churning, adrenaline-fueled state of anticipation. It’s the anxiety that each March brings as thousands wait for their college acceptance letters.

Like many associated with college admissions departments, I have started to receive dire calls and emails from potential students hoping for an early indication of their admittance status. As I reflect on these communications, I realize how controlling we have allowed the college admissions decision to become.

Yes, getting into your first pick college is important, but let’s keep it in perspective. Being accepted by your first choice college is certainly something to celebrate, but it’s not the end of the world if it doesn’t work out exactly as you’d hoped. Too often I see students who don’t get admitted into their first pick college beat themselves up, think they did something wrong, or succumb to the belief that they weren’t good enough. I’ve heard of friendships that end because one student got admitted to the college and the other didn’t. To add to the drama, parents often take the admittance or denial as a personal victory or defeat. Some wear it as a badge of pride while others blame themselves and see it as failure. It isn’t!

Here are some things to keep in mind if you receive a denial letter from your first pick college:

1. The process is very subjective.

Forget about your GPA, SAT score and all the advance placement classes you took. Yes, the numbers are important, but when compared to other’s scores they are just that: numbers. Looking at applications through a quantitative lens, one would think that the highest scores should get accepted. Oh, if it were that easy. There is a qualitative component that makes getting admitted to college much more subjective than most students and parents realize. Subjectivity comes into play as application reviewers contextualize what you have submitted in comparison to what they have reviewed in the past. Reviewers have their own take on things and there is no black and white with subjectivity. It is out of your control.

2. As hard as it is, don’t take denial personally.

Someone at the college just didn’t think you were the right fit at the time. Try to trust that they know what’s best. As much as you wanted to get into the college, chances are pretty good that the admissions team did you a favor. If they didn’t see you as a good fit, you’d probably end up disliking the college had you gotten in. There is a lot of thought about “fit” and student success when making the decision to admit students. Sometimes the shoe just doesn’t fit no matter how much we think we love them.

3. You are not a failure.

Too many students assume they are a failure by not making it into their top pick college. Nothing could be further from the truth. Remember subjectivity? It is really out of your control. There are so many variables in making the admit decisions that I could write books and books on the topic. You are still the same successful person you were before you got your admit or denial letter. Don’t forget that. The sting of a denial will go away.

4. Celebrate the colleges you do get into.

Whether it is your first choice or third, any college you get into is something to celebrate. For every college you get into, someone else didn’t. Keep that in mind and be humble. It is an incredible accomplishment.

5. Parents, give your students a break.

The selection process belongs to them, not you. You’ve had years to learn how to deal with the rejections life often throws our way. This may be the first major rejection many students experience. Be supportive and find the good in the situation. There is always good.

The bottom line: You are a success regardless of the college you get in to. Don’t let a college admittance letter take that away.

So, stop biting your nails and worrying about your life crashing down if you don’t get into your first choice college. Whatever your future holds will unfold as it is supposed to. Trust me, I was one of those students who didn’t get into their first pick college. I did okay and so will you.




Kerri Fitzgerald

This Friday, March 21st, the 8th Annual Showcase of IB Dance and Advanced dance student works  will be presented. There are two shows 3:00 & 5:30pm. both in the CCT. Free entrance.

The Dance Madness show includes original student choreography and new works from guest artists, plus a diverse  collection of dance in hip-hop, contemporary, jazz, and ballet styles – there is something to please every viewer.




ISB ‘s Got Talent
Kerri Fitzgerald

Student Council (in association with  the Lights and Sound club) presents:
ISB’s Got Talent   – Friday March 28th CCT  at 6 pm

Our brave young talents will battle it out next Friday night facing a panel of steely judges and in front of an awesome audience. Be part of that awesome audience – this year we are in the CCT so be in early to get a seat!





Band and Strings
Kerri Fitzgerald

Save this date for what is always a mighty concert: Wednesday, April 2nd

This  will be the final concert of the school year for our HS instrumentalists.  The HS String and Band programs present a variety of music including original works, world music, sinfonietta, film music and jazz. Groups featured include the String Orchestra, Intermediate Band, Wind Ensemble, and Jazz Band.  Two highlights will be the Brahms Hungarian Dance no. 5, music from the anime film “Princess Mononoke,” and a big hit from The Jackson’s – “I Want You Back!” The concert takes place in the Chevron Theatre beginning at 6:30 pm.  There is no charge and all are invited.


Coffee House
Kerri Fitzgerald

March 27th from 5- 7 pm the second Coffee House will run in the library multi media room. This  boutique event  attracts our aspiring writers and poets  and has a cozy, relaxed atmosphere. You are welcome to attend and even share your work!


Choral Bash
Kerri Fitzgerald

Choral Bash
Wed March 19th  6:30 pm in the Chevron – this is a big one!

Many of you will have been disappointed that CC Music had to be moved to ISKL recently. This meant that the two of the biggest musical experiences of the year (the two CC Festival Showcases) were only available as live stream. Be sure to get your tickets early for those two events next year when ISB will host CC Music!

Here’s an opportunity to attend another great Concert – the CHORAL BASH…

Now in its fifth year, this concert celebrates singing through individual choir performances and festival repertoire sung by all of the choirs combined (ES, MS and HS)

Why do we sing? asked one of the four vocal music directors during a rehearsal for this year’s biggest choir concert. The responses from a few of the over 250 singers involved included the following: We sing because it’s fun… We sing to express ourselves… We sing to connect with others… We sing to learn about other cultures…and, Singing makes me feel good!




2014 GRADUATION Bulletin Board Photos: Seniors & Parents
Kevin Sypolt

Please help celebrate ISB Senior’s Graduation and contribute photos of your Graduate to the HS Graduation Committee.  The Photos are the most important aspect of the Graduation Bulletin Board decorations.

Bulletin Board Topics

Diaper to Diplomas:  (Giggles to Graduation) Submit baby, toddler and childhood photos and a recent photo of your senior.  How our seniors have grown and changed over the years is great fun for classmates and parents.

Senior Memories:  Submit photos of your senior participating in ISB School events, teams, clubs, holiday parties, trips, GCW trips and just hanging with family and friends.

13-year students at ISB:  This Board celebrates the seniorswho have attended ISB for all 13 years of school.  Submit a variety of photos that represent your senior during the 13 years of attending school at ISB.

Photos can be dropped in the Graduation Photo Collection Box during school hours at the ISB High School Office.  Your photos should be in an envelope.  Please identify on the envelope the board for which you are submitting the photos and included your senior’s name.   The Collection File box will remain in the HS Office until Friday, May 2nd.  You may submit to as many Bulletin Boards as you would like.  Please note that these photos will NOT be returned to you so please submit copies of your photographs.

Your participation and enthusiasm is appreciated.



Charity Triathlon 2014-Kids Action For Kids High School Club
Martin Brekke

Last Thursday the Kids Action For Kids High School Club hosted the second annual charity triathlon to raise money for children in need of cleft lip and cleft palate operations in Thailand. Each team collected money for their grade, to see who could gain a head-start advantage in the race. It was a fun triathlon with many unique activities such as swimming in clothes and eating/drinking competitions etc… It was a success overall, as we raised a total of 64,471 Baht (which Dtac will match and bring us to a total of 128,942). The money raised from this event is enough to fund a little more than 8 surgeries! Thanks to everyone for helping out with the triathlon! If you’re interested in more information on Kids Action For Kids please visit our website:

On this link you can see a Panther Productions video recap of the event:


eNewsletter Guidelines
Tony Arnold

ISB eNewsletters provide a valuable avenue for communication within the ISB parent community. For your convenience we have provided you with our eNewsletter guidelines below.

Submitting an announcement for publication
ISB accepts announcements from ISB families for potential publication in our eNewsletters. The announcements are generally intended to highlight events that occur at ISB and/or highlight information about ISB.

What to include in the announcement
• A title for your announcement
• An email contact for further information

Where to submit your announcement
is for announcements of interest to the entire ISB community. is for Elementary School (ES) announcements of interest to ES families. is for Middle School (MS) announcements of interest to MS families. is for High School (HS) announcements of interest to HS families.

Your announcement will be submitted to the appropriate Principal and/or to our Marketing Director for review. ISB reserves the right to determine which announcements will and will not be published, and to edit announcements that are approved for publication.

Frequency of eNewsletter mailings
The ISB eNewsletter that is for the entire community is sent out on Thursdays. Announcements for potential publication in this newsletter must be received by noon on Thursdays.

The ES, MS, and HS eNewsletters are sent out on Fridays. Announcements for potential publication in these newsletters must be received by noon on Fridays.



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