ISB Teacher Paddling for the Planet! You can help!!

by Kerry DYKE

Ten days, four teachers with kayaks and cameras that care about the environment and conservation.

Hello ISB community,

My name is Kerry Dyke and at ISB I am a MS PE teacher, MS Athletic Coordinator, and my favorite position… Environmental Coordinator.  I have taken students on approximately 30+ eco trips in my 10 years here.  But this upcoming journey is something I have never tried before.

Over Songkran I will paddle with 3 friends for 10 days around Phuket island to raise awareness on ocean issues.  Inspired by last year’s 7th graders, Pavin and Mint, I have chosen shark finning as my main cause. Last year we launched the Blue List with Finfree Thailand, meaning no shark fin on the menu. We now have over 100 hotels are on that list.  Hopefully I can get more.  As well, I will be trying to educate people about the devastating effects of the everyday plastic bag on ocean marine life.

How can you participate:

  • You can join us for 1 day and paddle with us.  Email me if interested.
  • If you would like to be a sponsor in any form please contact me ( ) and we can discuss possibilities.  Sponsorship can be helping with some of the costs, accomodations, equipment, or events such as helping the turtle sanctuary or having a beach clean up.  It could also be getting your hotel, restaurant, etc to sign the Blue List or having your store work with us on ways to reduce plastic bags.
  • Whether you join us for a paddle or sponsor us in some way we hope you will at least follow us online to see what is happening.

Check out episode 1:

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