ISB Communication Single Page View

Board Chair Letter 13 March 2014

by Marc de Vries

It has been some time since the last Board Chair letter. While it is my intent to provide an update on Board activities on a monthly basis and I have to apologize for this silence, it can be seen as a good sign that there has been nothing urgent to report. ISB is implementing its Strategic Learning Plan according to schedule and continues to operate business as usual, despite the political tensions manifesting themselves downtown.

A summary of the most important discussion points of the past two months are highlighted below.

Preliminary Budget 2014/15

On February 25th, 2014 the Board approved the Preliminary Budget for 2014/15.

A higher degree of uncertainty about future enrollment figures brought about by the current political situation has resulted in a prudent approach for next year’s budget. Opening enrollment is pegged at 1900 students, which is 88 students less than current enrollment. The expected opening enrollment forms the basis for the rest of the budget, including the number of teachers expected to be hired (almost the same as this school year). Tuition will increase by about 3%, in line with inflation and according to Board guidelines stipulated in the Financial Matrix. Capital Expenditure is budgeted at THB 130 million. Most of these funds will go towards facility (renovation) projects, while THB 30 million will go towards technology investments. Capital expenditure is significantly less than the average of THB 220 million over the past 5 years, yet higher than it has ever been without a large-scale construction project. This underlines the school’s commitment to upgrading and maintaining ISB’s state of the art facilities for the years to come.

Although salary expenses constitute over 80% of expenditures and are committed for the budget year, ISB has a few mechanisms to offset the decreased revenues should enrollment drop below the forecast number. There is a solid financial reserve that includes a relatively healthy cash position. ISB’s net current assets will allow for a drop of more than 300 students. In addition, ISB will also be able to defer some of the capital expenditure expenses should this be necessary. Overall the Board feels confident that the school is well prepared for any contingency planning.

School Trip Destinations

Previously concerns were raised regarding school trips to countries where students are unable to obtain visas because of their nationality. Specifically, there was a concern for Israeli students not being able to attend GCW trips to Indonesia. Although there are procedures for Israeli citizens to apply for an Indonesian visa, one student planning to attend the IASAS Cultural Convention in Jakarta was unable to obtain a visa, despite sponsorship from Jakarta International School and support from ISB. We want all of our students to be able to benefit from the international learning experiences that are on offer and, while we understand the geopolitical complexities between nations, ISB will continue to look for ways to support students of all nationalities to attend IASAS and other international activities.

Head of School Evaluation

The Board formally evaluates the Head of School twice a year. While normally these evaluations aren’t discussed in open session or reported on in the Board Chair letter, I would like to give some recognition to Dr. Davies here. The Board feels strongly that Dr. Davies has done an outstanding job at managing the school and driving the continuous improvement projects according to the Strategic Learning Plan. ISB is really very fortunate to have Dr. Davies as Head of School.

Strategic Improvement and Learning Committee

ISB has been working with a Thai feeder organization to identify potential Thai scholarship students. Three students have been short-listed of which ISB can accommodate two. As with other scholarships, Nichada families are being sought to house the students for next school year.

The Learning Scorecard continues to be improved as the targets need to be more useful and board appropriate. Some historic data and trends will be included to help in the target setting, so that they can be better used in monitoring school performance.

ISB has recently appointed a Director of Support Services, who will, in addition to other duties, oversee and provide support to the Inclusion initiative which would allow students of a wider range of academic backgrounds to attend ISB. Some staff members recently went to a conference on inclusion in The Hague and future trips are planned for Brussels and Hong Kong.  ISB continues its slow approach and “comfortable pace” with this initiative, by this year working with students already at ISB and next year possibly admitting siblings of students already at ISB.

There seems to be a resurgence of Character Education and its connection to 21st century skills. The Middle School counselors are currently working with Positive Education and the Theory of Well-Being. With expert input from Jackie Greenwood, MS Counselor, SILC is evaluating if and where “ethics” might fit within ISB’s mission. The question also arose if ISB is seen as doing enough now in teaching important character values.  Possible challenges in going forward include establishing priorities, defining and then embedding “shared values”, teacher education and resourcing and, last but not least, leadership and expertise.  Next steps include Andy and Graeme discussing Character Education with the Leadership Team.

Business Committee

The Business Committee has been reviewing the Financial Matrix. The targets set for the metrics have all been met with some margin, and it may be useful to tighten some of them in the future. The Committee has also been reviewing the Articles of Association of the various ISB linked companies as part of a periodic due diligence.

Committee on Trustees

The Committee on Trustees has been working on the Head of School evaluations as well as the Board self-evaluation. The main goal before the end of the year will be to try and increase voter turnout for the next Board elections. The COT will be seeking assistance from the PTA and student council to increase voter awareness.

Next Board Meeting

The next Board meeting will be held on Tuesday March 25th, 2013 in MPB3 at 6:00pm – 09:00pm. The meeting is open for all ISA members to attend.
Yours sincerely,

Marc de Vries

BOT Chair

Calendar Survey for 2015/16

by Dr. Andrew Davies

Dear ISB Community,

When we set the school calendar on an annual basis, we ask for input from a parent committee, a faculty group and classified staff representatives.

Periodically (every 6 or so years), we survey the wider school community to get additional input and to make sure we are in sync with community wishes. Parents, students (a sample), teachers and Classified Staff will be surveyed.

As the Leadership Team prepares for the 2015/16 school calendar, we would be grateful if you could complete this brief survey. Please click here.

When making your selections, please consider the impact your choice may have on student learning and student/staff wellness.

Thank you very much for your cooperation.

ISB Board of Trustees Election and ISA Annual General Meeting 2014

by Joy Davy

ISB Board of Trustees Election and ISA Annual General Meeting 2014
May 21, 2014, 7:00 pm
Cultural Centre

Dear ISA Members,

The ISB Board of Trustees would like to announce that the ISB Board of Trustees’ election will take place on May 21, 2014 to fill vacant positions on the ISB Board of Trustees.  The election will be held during the day of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the International School Association (ISA), comprised of all ISB parents and results will be announced that evening.  Newly elected trustees will hold a two-year term beginning August 1, 2014.   The Board encourages interested ISA members to submit a nomination form in order to put their name on the ballot or to suggest names of possible candidates. The ISB Board of Trustees is currently made up of twelve elected positions and up to three appointed positions.  This year there will be 4 (four) open spots on the Board to be filled by elected Trustees.  Appointed positions will not be filled until after the AGM.

Candidates for the Board of Trustees should be aware of the responsibilities and rewards of serving on the Board.  The Board of Trustees is the guardian of the school’s mission.  The Board sets policy, focuses on school governance and long-term, strategic issues.  The Board does not become involved in specific management, personnel or curricular issues.  The full Board meets once per month in regular session to discuss issues and aims for consensus before all votes are taken.  BOT meetings occur in the evenings at ISB and last approximately three hours. BOT meetings are divided into a closed executive session and a regular session open for all ISA members.

Trustees also serve on one or more committees corresponding to their skills and interests. Current committees include the Business Committee, the Committee on Trustees, and the Strategic Improvement and Learning Committee.  Committees meet one time per month for approximately two hours and are the working groups of the Board.  Subjects such as financial stability, budget oversight, stewardship of ISB’s educational program, evaluation and training of the Board, and future strategic improvements in alignment with the mission and guiding principles of ISB are just a few examples of the issues addressed by the committees. Recommendations on these issues are made to the full board by the committee chairs during the regular monthly sessions.

In addition to these two monthly meetings, trustees attend retreats twice a year in May and August to review overall direction of the school, set policy goals, and learn about the roles and responsibilities of being a trustee.

The rewards of being on the Board include the opportunity to interact with a dynamic school leadership team, and to understand and help shape the direction of ISB’s progress for the future.  Trustees are charged with the responsibility of representing ISB and the ISA as a whole, and not any specific constituency within the community.  No special professional or personal background is needed to serve on the Board, other than ISA membership, a positive attitude, the ability to work as a member of a team, and a deep interest in maintaining and further enhancing the excellence of ISB.

On April 9, 2014 (Wednesday) at 7:30 a.m. (in the MPB 3) and 6:30 p.m. (in the MPB 3) there will be two open sessions for the ISA entitled “What is a Trustee?”  All ISA members considering running for election are strongly recommended to attend one of these sessions.

A Board of Trustees’ nomination form is available as an attachment to the right, and online at or in the Head of School’s office. The deadline for submitting applications is 12:00 noon on Friday, April 11, 2014.  All nomination papers (e-copies) must be sent to (with your name as the subject) and hard copies must be filed in the Head of School’s office by the deadline.

There will be a “Meet the Candidates” night on Wednesday, May 7, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. in the ES MPR on the ISB Campus. Candidates should plan to attend both the “Meet the Candidates’ Night” session as well as the AGM on May 21, 2014 in the Cultural Center.

All new trustees are required to attend our end of the year retreat on May 30, 2014.
Interested ISA members are warmly invited to run for the Board of Trustees. Please contact Joy Davy at 0879336062, or for any questions regarding serving on the Board.

Joy Davy
Chair, Committee on Trustees
BOT (Board of Trustees)



Be Sure to Stop by the Booster Hut!

by: ISB Booster Club

What? Sale! Sale! Sale!  We will have:  Banner Bags, Ladies Polo’s, Cardigans, and Sweatpants, Children’s dry fit shirts, Ladies Hanuman Tee’s, Running Shirts, Coffee Mugs and Blankets. Lots to choose from for teachers’ gifts, graduation gifts, and more!

When? March 20-21 during Parent/Teacher Conferences.

DANCE MADNESS – March 21st

by Kerri Fitzgerald

This Friday, March 21st, the 8th Annual Showcase of IB Dance and Advanced dance student works  will be presented. There are two shows 3:00 & 5:30pm. both in the CCT. Free entrance.

The Dance Madness show includes original student choreography and new works from guest artists, plus a diverse  collection of dance in hip-hop, contemporary, jazz, and ballet styles – there is something to please every viewer.














ISB British Community –Trip to Bangkok & Brunch Social – Tuesday 25th March 10:00am

by Heather Powell

The March Social will be a “Trip to the London Pie Shop” located in Bangkok. We will set off around 10am from Nichada to check out the stocks and have some lunch at the café (planning to return by 2pm). Spaces are limited as it is only a small café so RSVPs are required for this Social please. If you are unable to make it, we can take collect any orders you would like to place. For more information and to RSVP please contact ISB British Representative – Heather Powell (email: or mobile 083 293 2169).

Staff Appreciation Lunch – Let’s say THANK YOU – March 26th

by: Jo McGregor
Contact Email:

Annual Staff Appreciation Lunch 
March 26, 2014

10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m

The staff at ISB have been working hard all year to make this school a great place for our kids to learn and grow. To show our appreciation, the PTA hosts an annual “Staff Appreciation Luncheon” with food prepared and served by parent volunteers.

This year the luncheon will be held on Wednesday March 26, 2014. We need an abundance of food to feed over 550 hungry ISB employees (teachers, administrators, nurses, B & G and all the support staff that make the school run successfully). Several food dishes are needed from all families to make this a success, we really need your support. You can sign up for  desserts, salads, meat platters, appetizers or your own country speciality!!!

Sign Up Here!!!

Please keep in mind the following guidelines:

1. Each dish should serve 12 people.

2. Dishes should be delivered between 9:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m on Tuesday, March 26th to the MPB at the top of the zig-zag.

3. Dishes should be in reusable containers, and labeled with the owner’s name on it, teacher’s name and classroom number. The labeled containers will be delivered to the classrooms following the luncheon. Any unlabeled containers will be delivered to the PTA Office after the luncheon and can be picked up as soon as possible.

Please pick up containers by April 5th.  All unclaimed items will be donated after that date.

4. Please do not use styrofoam.

5. Please keep in mind that all dishes will be served at room temperature as we do not have heating and cooling facilities.

6. Please label all dishes and if it contains meat.

7. Please remember, NO NUTS!

Thank You for all your help!!
Jo McGregor
ISB PTA Hospitality Coordinator


World Scholar’s Cup – Volunteers Needed


Take one part team debate, add a collaborative writing challenge, mix in a thoughtful test of knowledge, then finish with a fast-paced multimedia quiz show – the Scholar’s Bowl – and there you have the template for the festival of learning that is the World Scholar’s Cup.

Over the weekend of 29th and 30th March, ISB will be hosting the Bangkok Round of the World Scholar’s Cup, where students will work together in teams of three to research, debate and solve problems related to this year’s theme – The World Within – over six inter-related subject areas.

To make this event a success, we need to recruit some volunteers to serve as debate adjudicators on Saturday 29th March. This will involve attending a brief training session on the day, and then adjudicating three team debates according to the guidelines you will be given.

There are two debate sessions. The first session, in the morning, will be for the Senior teams – students aged 15 and over – and will require a time commitment of approximately 8.30am to 1.30pm. The afternoon debate session is for the Junior teams – students 14 and under – and will require a commitment of around 12.30pm to 5.30pm.

If you are interested in getting involved and helping out as a debate adjudicator on the day, please email Selena Gallagher (, indicating which session you would prefer.

You can find out more about the World Scholar’s Cup program at their website:


Piano workshops April 4th and 5th

by Kerri Fitzgerald

Dear parents and community

With four grand pianos onsite at ISB (one  – a Steinway  – being on loan from the Chandlers), we are well placed to run a special weekend of piano forte. On April 4th and 5th we will welcome Yan Lim and Koh Jia Hwei   (based in Singapore) onto our campus for a series of solo adjudications, master classes and a short recital. This couple were very well received at the recent CC Music event and we expect their expertise will be well received here with a wide range of students.

Please contact Anthony Giles (Music Chair) or Angela Kohl (instrumental Music Program Director) for more information.


Faculty Follies Returns

by  Kerri Fitzgerald

Mark your diaries: on April 25th Faculty Follies the faculty will hit the stage with another stunningly under rehearsed show filled with mayhem and mirth. Please note the time change –  now at  3 pm.


Get your goggles, bike and running shoes ready!

by Kevin Sypolt

The 15th Annual Colgate Kids Triathlon is just around the corner.   The race will take place on Coronation Day, Monday, May 5th (ISB holiday) at 7:30AM starting at the two ISB pools.

It’s shaping up to be an incredible event!  Again this year the triathletes will receive timing chips to wear around their ankles for accurate time and distance recording.  The Relay Race will again allow relay teams in each age division (based upon the oldest participant in the relay team), so athletes can form teams of three people to participate together.  One of the relay team members can be a teacher or other adult this year.

The distances this year will be:

•  5-6:  50m swim, 1 km bike, 450m run
• 7-8: 100m swim, 2.5 km bike, 800m run
• 9-10:  150m swim, 4.5 km bike, 1.2 km run
• 11-12: 200m swim, 4.5 km bike, 1.7 km run
• 13-14: 250m swim, 6.8 km bike, 2.4 km run
• 15+ : 350m swim, 9.1 km bike, 3.1 km run

Registration and other information will follow in the few weeks.  But please mark your calendar with this year’s triathlon date.  Please note that all participants must provide their own bike and bike helmet.

Please contact me if you have any questions.


Kevin M. Sypolt


ISB Teacher Paddling for the Planet!  You can help!!

by  Kerry DYKE

Ten days, four teachers with kayaks and cameras that care about the environment and conservation.

Hello ISB community,

My name is Kerry Dyke and at ISB I am a MS PE teacher, MS Athletic Coordinator, and my favorite position… Environmental Coordinator.  I have taken students on approximately 30+ eco trips in my 10 years here.  But this upcoming journey is something I have never tried before.

Over Songkran I will paddle with 3 friends for 10 days around Phuket island to raise awareness on ocean issues.  Inspired by last year’s 7th graders, Pavin and Mint, I have chosen shark finning as my main cause. Last year we launched the Blue List with Finfree Thailand, meaning no shark fin on the menu. We now have over 100 hotels are on that list.  Hopefully I can get more.  As well, I will be trying to educate people about the devastating effects of the everyday plastic bag on ocean marine life.

How can you participate:

  • You can join us for 1 day and paddle with us.  Email me if interested.
  • If you would like to be a sponsor in any form please contact me ( ) and we can discuss possibilities.  Sponsorship can be helping with some of the costs, accomodations, equipment, or events such as helping the turtle sanctuary or having a beach clean up.  It could also be getting your hotel, restaurant, etc to sign the Blue List or having your store work with us on ways to reduce plastic bags.
  • Whether you join us for a paddle or sponsor us in some way we hope you will at least follow us online to see what is happening.

Check out episode 1:

Follow us on Facebook:

See our website:

Follow us and stay tuned for more adventure and updates!


eNewsletter Guidelines

by Tony Arnold

ISB eNewsletters provide a valuable avenue for communication within the ISB parent community. For your convenience we have provided you with our eNewsletter guidelines below.

Submitting an announcement for publication
ISB accepts announcements from ISB families for potential publication in our eNewsletters. The announcements are generally intended to highlight events that occur at ISB and/or highlight information about ISB.

What to include in the announcement
• A title for your announcement
• An email contact for further information

Where to submit your announcement
is for announcements of interest to the entire ISB community. is for Elementary School (ES) announcements of interest to ES families. is for Middle School (MS) announcements of interest to MS families. is for High School (HS) announcements of interest to HS families.

Your announcement will be submitted to the appropriate Principal and/or to our Marketing Director for review. ISB reserves the right to determine which announcements will and will not be published, and to edit announcements that are approved for publication.

Frequency of eNewsletter mailings
The ISB eNewsletter that is for the entire community is sent out on Thursdays. Announcements for potential publication in this newsletter must be received by noon on Thursdays.

The ES, MS, and HS eNewsletters are sent out on Fridays. Announcements for potential publication in these newsletters must be received by noon on Fridays.



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